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Unknown POV

Aiden posted 10 min ago

Lmoa, aww men did you guys see what we did to Lyn at the pool ? When Jamie Moore snuck food coloring behind her, and everyone ran out screaming. It was like freaking jaws ! You could even hear the spirit dun,dun,dun....!!!!!. The look on her face was priceless she taught it was her T.O.M or something we got to do it again sometime soon.


Jaymie Moore did I see it ? I was the one brave enough to get close to her! But yeah man it was awesome.


RAY Merers see alot of people agrees with me.

Doug Harper sure the food coloring was genius. But I still think putting a Snickers chocolate bar behind her will still be just as good.

Nigel Reynolds as if 😑😑 putting the food colouring in the pool was my idea you are just jealous we did my idea and not yours.

Doug Harper shut up the only reason why my idea wasn't taken because no one wanted to waste a Snickers bar for a prank.

Nigel Reynolds yeah yeah keep talking

Gibson when it happens I taught it was real. I taught she really started to I'm telling all my friends we taught she really did it.

Abby Baker ugh, I don't know why she even bother going to the pool. You can't help but pity the girl. But still what you guys did was awesome 😂😂😂😂😂😂 someone posted it on YouTube it has like 30000 views already.

Hannah Pearson she ruined the entire day for me😑😑😑.i was in this really cute bikini I bought over the weekend and when my crush was finally looking at me, she had to fall for the prank. Next time can you guys do it somewhere else.

Morgan Jones I can't believe you guys pranked her, well I won't be surprised if she really did it.

Nigel R guys we are about to egg her house 🤣🤣🤣 I pity the house it's so beautiful yet an ugly bitch lives in it

Morgan J video it

Hannah B you guys should go to her room and pour her egg or kill her

Sorry this is short 💔💔
Ran out of ideas

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