''Nice to meet you, Officer Hunt'' She gave me a small smile and extended her hand. I shook it gently, watching her every move.''I'm here to speak to you about Victoria Deen's passing. I was told that you were involved in the Deen family matters'' She well-spoken and mannerly.

''I'm sorry but without the presence of Victoria's only living blood-relative, Melanie Deen, I cannot disclose any information'' I apologized, ready to get on my way. She frowned, stopping me in my tracks. Something was wrong. ''Is something wrong with Melanie Deen?'' I decided to address the issue straight away, no beating around the bush.

''Actually,'' She began, clearing her throat nervously. It was obvious, she was worried out of her mind.''She's been missing for a few days, according to her friends'' She let out a heavy sigh. I knew she wasn't okay...

We then discussed everything that happened between her and Melanie. She recently visited the bar again and the owner, Meg, told her all about the drama that happened between Melanie and her friends. She mentioned a drinking problem.

From what Julia told me, I could make a few precise assumptions.

The first being Melanie's unstable mental health taking a toll on her wellbeing.

The second being Ethan. He always managed to make matters worse, no matter how hard he tried to make it all better. They were similar in that way, as much as I hated to admit it. If I were him and if Melanie loved me as much as she loves him- nevermind, that's beside the point.

The third reason for her disappearance was obviously her mother's death. It was clear as day. She didn't tell anyone about her mother dying. She decided to go through the many stages of grief all by herself. Which definitely wasn't a good idea in her situation. She needed someone to help her through this. She needed me. I was sure of it.

I drove to Meg's bar in complete silence, with Julia sitting in the passenger seat. It was always the Deens sitting in the passenger seat, huh? 

''Are you and Melanie close?'' Julia spoke up, testing the waters.

I smiled to myself.

''Just doing my job, ma'am'' I replied casually. I could feel her watching me. She had a very stern yet wise gaze. It made me picture Melanie's life if Julia had taken her away when she had the chance. She would've had a decent childhood, with the possibility of a bright future. Instead, she was all alone. She never learned what love was and it made me feel sick. I wanted her to feel loved. If only she gave me a chance...

''You're a good liar, Officer'' She noted, pursing her lips into a thin line. I could see Dominic Deen in every expression she made. It was fascinating. Despite the crimes he committed, he was a good guy. I was never the type of cop who judged criminals. I always tried to see the human behind the crime. Everyone has their reasons.

''I don't quite understand what you mean, ma'am'' I responded, keeping straight face.

''You love her'' She stared at my side profile boldly. My jaw clenched at this, desperately trying to suppress the emotions swirling in my mind. It was true, and I knew it.

''Ma'am, that is impossible. I am only just a police officer, an acquaintance at most'' I explained, keeping up the act. Working as a cop really teaches you a lot. Lying was one of those things. Sometimes you had to lie for the better of everyone. I didn't want Melanie to feel obliged to pay attention to me only because I had feelings for her. I knew they weren't mutual and I knew her heart was taken. I didn't want to force her into anything. Besides, we have a good friendship. It should stay that way.

''Liar'' She insisted, her tone calm and collected.''I can tell by the look in your eyes when we are talking about her. You look like a man who loves a woman with all his heart. With his pure heart, I must add. I can see right through you, Officer''

I was baffled.


''Burn'' She corrected me with slight annoyance.''Mrs.Burn''

''I beg your pardon, Mrs.Burn'' I apologized.''Melanie loves someone else. So, even if I did...love her, nothing would be possible''

Julia was taken aback by this.''Loves? Who is this boy that she loves? Why isn't he with her at a time like this? That is not what love is-''

''This may sound rude, and I am sorry if it will, but you know nothing about Melanie. She likes to suffer alone because she's used to it being that way. She hardly ever lets anyone in and when she does, it is really hard for her to recover. This boy, Ethan, he loves her just as much as she loves him. But as we all know, nothing in life is as easy as it seems'' I interrupted her, refusing to listen to all the assumptions she had about Ethan. As much as I wanted Melanie all to myself, I knew that Ethan was a good guy. I knew that he loved her. If I swallowed my pride and drowned my feelings for her, I'd even call them soulmates.''He is also just as broken as she is'' I added.

''I must say, you are a very goodman'' She complimented me with a tinge of surprise in blue eyes. They were very similar to Melanie's and for a moment, I felt lost in them.''Not all men can love a woman like you love my Melanie. I respect that, Officer'' She gave me a tight smile before averting her gaze to the window next to her. My Melanie. She thought of her as hers. It warmed my heart. Maybe Melanie had a bright future ahead of her after all.

''Thank you, Mrs.Burn'' I sighed, staring at the road ahead of us.''Call me Tyler, by the way''

''In that case, call me Julia'' She chuckled at our formality. I could tell she would give Melanie a good chance at a new life. And it made me undeniably happy.

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