🐺|Chapter 25|🐺

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Jeongguk looked up and over, "yes baby?"

Taegguk looked... held back right now. Didn't look like she wanted to talk. But he knew she would if she wanted. And she did, "do you... do you think you'll ever have another baby?"

Jeongguk snapped his head up and his gaze averted to her again, what brought this up? "baby... I... I don't know. I don't think so... what brought this up?" Taegguk shrugged, "curious..."

The omega blinked but as soon as he went to slide it off he got it-

"Taegguk... is this involving the fact you haven't met your appa yet?" Taegguk shrugged again, "n-no..." Jeongguk frowned and grabbed her, setting her on his lap and she faced him, "I promise you baby... your appa loves you, and a lot... he just... can't be here right now. But you will meet him, you will see him. And you'll see you take after his genes more then mine." He chuckled but Taegguk didn't.

"Mama... I don't even know what he l-looks like..."

The omega sighed, "I know baby... I wish I had a photo but I had to flee.." Taegguk looked up quickly, "why?" Jeongguk knew he couldn't tell her. He knew he would probably have to in the future but not now. So he just swallowed and spoke, "that's a story for when you're older baby doll."

The baby alpha looked saddened by this but spoke again, "when... when will I see him?" Jeongguk bit his bottom lip and smiled, "it's a surprise. But you will get to see him soonly, baby cakes."

Taegguk nodded, seemingly taking that as an answer.

And then she ran off into the playroom for hours.


"Taegguk asked me about more pups."

The other knitted her eyebrows and looked over at him, "okay and?" Jeongguk shrugged and pursed his lips, setting some dishes aside, "I... I don't know. I mean- I would carry another one but Taehyung is always gone and probably would have to leave again because of the new pup or pups we would end up conceiving. And I can't... I don't want to do that to Taegguk."

Jeon nodded and sighed, "that's sadly the reality. The dudes family are assholes, that's the end of the line. And Taegguk wouldn't really be able to handle siblings- or having to share you." Jeongguk hummed, "I know..."

The female clicked her tongue and turned and grabbed the towels, "but on the bright side, he will be seeing her soon."

Jeongguk's heart dropped into his stomach- "y-yeah, I know. But think- what if... what if he somehow scares her. I mean, he's no small alpha. And what if she annoys him at all? he is not good with that. He hates loud noises and a lot of movement. And that's all she is in her personality. And if he snaps at her she will never trust him and I'll have to kill him."

The alpha sighed again, "that's just something you'll have to wait and see the result of. Only time will tell, Gguk." Jeon then grinned, "I'll help you bury the body."

Jeongguk giggled, "thanks Jeon."

She hummed, "of course. We are blood siblings, whether we always like it or not. I've always got your back. Even if it is broken." The omega smiled, "and I've always got yours."

"Good. Because I'll need it."

Jeongguk giggled again and put a dish to the side and turned, following her out of the kitchen. Hoseok and Yoongi were in with Taegguk, playing farm and horses. Hoseok was making squealing noises and Yoongi called him an idiot a few times.

The omega turned to his sister, "how do they not kill each other?"

Jeon shrugged, arms folded, "I just watch over them both. They're not allowed next to each other more than six minutes a piece." Jeongguk turned to her, eyes wide, "really?" Jeon chuckled, "no you dummy. But I really do have to keep an eye on both of them. Especially Hoseok. He loves danger."

"I've noticed. Remember when he pissed off that alpha down west?"

Jeon grumbled, "oh good lord, don't remind me. I about killed the alpha because he threatened to rip Hoseok limb by limb apart. And went to grab Hoseok and I stepped in and about snapped his neck." The omega cocked up his eyebrows, "yeah... I remember that."

Jeon giggled but stopped for a few seconds, looking at Taegguk then breathed out, "I bet it'll all go smoothly."

Jeongguk sighed, "I hope..."

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