🐺|Chapter 7|🐺

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Jeongguk woke up all sweaty and hot and a odd pain in his lower region and in his gut.

He looked around for the elder and whimpered, getting up and rolling out of the bed, the heat in his gut unbearable... almost.

He stumbled around, wondering out of the room and out of the cabin, he knew that Taehyung was probably still at the party. Of course he'd be. He didn't care about Jeongguk one bit.

Jeongguk squirmed through the crowd of celebrating people and bumped into someone who gasped and looked at him- "little omega---are you---alright?" Jeongguk whimpered and looked at him, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"M-my alpha-" he gasped- "Taehyung!"

The other male nodded quickly, "of course!"

Jeongguk felt himself be dragged through more people until he was let go of and fell over, people scrambling to crowd him. He looked up, the burning in his gut beyond bearable.

He looked around, drool rolling out of his mouth. His sight became crowded as someone made their way towards him. The omega whimpered when the male bent down and placed his hand against his cheek.

"Oh my poor little omega," this was him---Jeongguk's alpha.

He felt the wetness in his pants seep through and he moaned uncontrollably. The elder bit his lip, watching his omega fall apart in front of a crowd of people so shamelessly made him both overly possessive and feel very proud.

"Look at you baby," he tsked, "making a mess on the ground, being so shameless in front of everyone. I thought you were a neat and tidy omega, guess I was wrong." Jeongguk whimpered and cupped his mates hand under his as he brushed his cheek into his mates hand.

Taehyung groaned and pinched his eyes shut, the youngers scent becoming too much.

He grabbed Jeongguk and the younger mewled at the contract and wanted nothing more then his mate to breed him and knot him like he was bred for. Like he was made for.

Taehyung dragged him through the crowd of people and dragged him home, wondering how this happened even though Jeongguk did not drink anything from the cup.


As soon as they got home, Jeongguk jumped on the other male and he did everything in his power to try to calm the omega- "Jeongguk, think about it. You told me you don't think you can mentally have a pup-"

Jeongguk chased after the others lips- "I-I don't care a-anymore. I wanna be bred, be used, be knotted." Taehyung swallowed thickly, "listen, Jeongguk, baby-"

He was cutoff by the youngers mushy lips and couldn't complain as his mind was consumed with the factor of rut.

They're both doomed.

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