🐺|Chapter 14|🐺

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"Are you excited?"

Jeongguk wanted to slap him. He knows how terrified the omega is. How could he even so much as breathe comfortably around the omega knowing how much stress is on the omega.

Good god this boy-

"No I am not. I want to be out of here and where I don't have to worry if my pup is a boy or a girl." The alpha grumbled, "yeesh---I just asked." The omega snorted, "and I just responded truthfully."

The elder did nod and chuckled, looking away and at the arriving guests---which was most of the pack. All except two or three due to some upcoming stuff.

"Well... I'm excited. And remember the plan? if it is a female?" Jeongguk nodded quickly but his attention to the alpha was like a little kid in a dentist office. Alert of only what goes on before him behind the closed doors.

In Jeongguk's case, the behind closed doors is Taehyung's father.

The omega got up after half an hour of just sitting and bumped into a few people here and there who said congratulations on the pregnancy and he'd thank them but then wander the other direction.

Now where in the world is-


Jeongguk dashed over to the drink stand and grabbed a cup of water and took a small sip, ignoring the talk around him as he leaned back against the table. He mentally admired the bump on his belly, knowing that he was going to be the care taker of a pup that would be his.

Of course Jeongguk is still worried and weary because he didn't want a pup in the first place but hey, he isn't complaining anymore.

"So, you're the alphas baby carrier." Jeongguk snapped his attention up, staring at a male who looked a little older but by months, not years- "o-oh---yeah haha... I guess... guess I am---I'm his mate, actually."

The male shrugged, "like that means anything to him."

The omega glared at him, a sudden feeling of uncomfortableness rumbling in his gut. He knew it was also the pup telling him it was hungry. So Jeongguk will have to take care of that too.

"What do you mean like it means anything to him? Taehyung has been nothing but loyal-" the other cut him off, "just wait and see. He's a player, just like the rest of the Kim's." Jeongguk bit his bottom lip- "are you serious?"

The other male hummed, leaning back too, "of course I am you idiot. Yeesh, how blind are you? I am telling you the truth about him and you haven't noticed?" the omega growled quietly, "actually no, I'm not blind and I really see peoples true colors and I'm sorry sir, but yours are ugly."

"I'm Kayden by the way, and I know mine are. But it is a warning-" before anymore was said, someone stepped in between them, "Kayden? what are you doing here?" a very not happy Taehyung asked, grunt in his tone.

The other alpha shrugged, "oh you know. Your father invited me and I'm here to warn your omega-" "about what?" the other chuckled, staring at Taehyung darkly, "you." Taehyung rolled his eyes, "you're drunk. Go home."

Before Kayden said anything else, he was shoved away by Taehyung as he dragged Jeongguk out and past, apologising, "I am so sorry---that's Kayden. He's my... cousin... he hates me because a few years ago I kind of um... dated his omega but she wasn't his at the time but that was years ago."

Jeongguk nodded, believing him. He has no reason not to.


"Alrighty Jeongguk... are you ready?"

The omega shook his head, breathing in heavily. The witch that stood behind them watched the talk and listened but was patient- "you ready young omega?" Jeongguk looked up at her, eyes flashing purple but he nodded.

"Yeah... I guess so---as ready as I'll ever be." The witch giggled and nodded, having Jeongguk move his shirt up over the bump and he did so then felt her very cold hands place themselves on each side of his belly.

The omega shivered but let the witch work her magic and pretty soon she had a small picture show up, a power she gained from awhile back, and it was a picture of the fetus. It was small, but not too small as almost fully developed because Jeongguk's due date is literally next week.

The women looked up, her eyes wide- "Mr and Mr. Kim---can I-" "just tell the gender. That is all you're here for." Mr. Kim butted in, but Taehyung growled and told him to shut it.

"I am sorry---I think---to inform you, Mr. Kim, Taehyung's father, that this pup... is not a male..." and the head alpha blew-

"What!? I demanded it be a male! why does it have to be a female!? It was his weak genes, wasn't it!? oh how I could-" the women cut him off, "shush it! the omega can not decide whether it is a male or female! and that has nothing to do with genes Mr. Kim!"

The alpha growled and looked like he was ready to lunge for the omega and as soon as he went to step forward to, Jeongguk was shoved back by Taehyung as he went for his father and Jeongguk was horrified.

There, right in front of him, stood two pissed alphas ripping at each other. But before anything was said, Jeongguk was pulled away and pushed into their shared cabin and held close by someone familiar.

He smelt the air and nuzzled into the presence.

It was Mrs. Kim

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