🐺|Chapter 2|🐺

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»14Years Later«

"But I don't-" Jeongguk was cutoff yet again by the same damn person, "it is a contract between our parents. Don't think I wanted this, either. Because I don't. I'm not complaining, though-" "you just did."

The alpha growled and Jeongguk held up his hands showing a signal of defeat and snickered, "why are alphas so damn rude?"

Taehyung snickered, "why are omegas so damn irritating? hmm?"

Jeongguk whipped around and gasped- "excuse you? we omegas are not complicated, you douche. We are quite nice and sweet creatures to those who treat us right. Not dumb alphas."

"We are supposed to mate here in a few weeks. You might as well start walking around because by tomorrow, this will be your home." Jeongguk glared at the other- "I'm not moving here alone you dirt bag."

The alpha growled and so did Jeongguk. He may be an omega, but when he's pissed, he's a aggressive omega and no other omega dares to even look at him.

"I'd watch it if I were you-" "I would, too if I were you." Taehyung rolled his eyes and turned, walking off, clearly in defeat. Jeongguk smiled to himself and turned but jumped as someone's face was right there-

"Hi! I'm Kiki," Jeongguk swallowed and shook her hand- "Jeongguk-" "oh! my brothers future mate?" The omegas mouth dropped open. This perky wolf is the dicks sister.

Jeongguk nodded, "sadly, yes."

Kiki nodded, "I feel for you. I'm supposed to be shipped off to the Dae's but their alpha decided to mate a pup younger than me." The elder blinked- "how old are you?"

The other shrugged, "fourteen."

Jeongguk's jaw dropped again, "Jesus. And you're already- never mind. Do you live here?" Kiki hummed and her head nodded towards the woods, "that creek in there is near my home. I live with our other brother and Taehyung. He's rude, I'm warning you."

The omega giggled and said he knew this. Looks like he's not the only one who can't stand the snobby alpha.

"He's a jerk to be honest. He sticks his nose up and thinks he owns the world." Jeongguk nodded, agreeing. Kiki smiled and her crystal blue eyes twinkled in the sunlight.

The other watched for a few seconds and Kiki cleared her throat- "well um... I can help you to your cabin? I hear it's by the doc, correct? I have always liked that there. I just would never chose it as a living spot because I hate water." Kiki then let off a small laugh.

"Any who. Let's go," Kiki dragged Jeongguk off and he knew he had a friend.

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