🐺|Chapter 5|🐺

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"I'm telling you Tae-" Jeongguk gripped around his stomach- "I do not feel good."

The alpha shrugged as he batted around his naturally dark eyes with a wash cloth, getting off whatever lingers around them. Jeongguk groaned as another off pain ruptured out.

"I don't care. It isn't my problem. Plus, my father wouldn't be so happy if a stomachache stopped the ceremony." The younger rolled his eyes and held onto the railing leading off of the stairs.

Taehyung didn't look at him as he made sure he looked good. Right now, nothing is going to distract the alpha.

"I'm being serious! It hurts like hell!" the other shrugged, "again I do not care. And how do you know what hell feels like?" the omega sighed. He knows what it feels like. Oh does he know.

But he didn't complain further and stumbled to their shared room and laid down on the bed, curling up and it seemed to... help a little.


Before the omega knew it, he was up and being dressed and prepared by about ten different omegas. All were very pretty, very beautiful and well dressed and well mannered.

Every time one did something even a little off she'd apologise and plead for forgiveness. Jeongguk wondered why but knew they were probably all teen parents to be honest. That seems to be how this tribe works.

"Well Sir," one spoke up, "we think you're complete. I added a little more darkness around your eyes, I hope that is alright." The elder got up, pain in his stomach lurching.

"Oh ow-" then there was a different omega at his hip, gripping his arm- "oh sir! are you alright!?" Jeongguk nodded and clenched his canines. The omega looked baffled.

"Are you sure? I can tell master-" Jeongguk shooed her off, "I'm alright I promise... just some... stomach pain."

She swallowed but nodded and helped Jeongguk to the mirror. He thought he'd never say this, but he looks beautiful. Prettier then he ever has. He mentally squealed and he turned to the lingering omegas.

"Thank you all! I love it!" everyone of them---except one---squealed. The one who didn't was a beta so Jeongguk didn't expect a squeal from her.

As they danced around how beautiful Jeongguk was, the alphas were the exact opposite.


"Oh come on Tae! you look fine!" Kiwi insisted, her canines grown as frustration hit its peak. Taehyung shook his head, "I don't... no, I hate the look-" "hush you big grump. We made it so the omega would like you, not the other way around. He's naturally beautiful so the omegas and the beta got the easy one."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "shut up. I don't want to speak, think, see the omega until the ceremony."

The other blinked his eyes- "why?"

The alpha groaned, "because he isn't who I want! I wanted a prettier omega! not some male omega who I'll only care about while he carries my pup." The other blinked, "but Taehyung---he's going to be yours just like how you are going to be his for the rest of your lives. You can't back out of this Tae. Plus, he's a kind soul and deserves love."

Taehyung growled, "he's not ever receiving it from me."

Kiwi growled herself and Taehyung sort of jumped. She's never... aggressive. "Shut up you dick. Jeongguk's a perfectly good omega who deserves all of the love! I think you two are a great match. Maybe if your ignorance didn't step in the way he'd be even greater to you! I hope you know that!"

The elder stared at his cousin, shocked. He did not expect that. Her, this tiny little thing, growled and spooked him.

"I... fine."

"Good. Now get all the way ready. We have an hour."


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