🐺|Chapter 12|🐺

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"Can you please explain to me why we are here?" Jeongguk asked, voice in a whisper even though he tried to speak normally. The elder just shrugged, looking away and went back to talking to the other alpha.

Jeongguk grumbled and looked around, eyeing down Hoseok, the beta from down the creek.

"Hoseok!" he called out, doing a weird teacup jog over to the other male. He hummed, "yes?" Jeongguk looked around and then leaned in, "what is this?" Hoseok blinked, "the drinks? a fi---oh no- you didn't drink one did you?"

The younger shook his head quickly, "oh no no, heck no. I can smell it and it is burning my nose but I meant this party thing." The beta made a 'O' with his mouth but then snapped an odd look towards the omega, "you don't know?"

Jeongguk shook his head, "no... Taehyung never told me. I was just yanked out of bed this morning and bam, here I am." The beta opened his mouth but closed it, shaking his head, "wait... so... you're unaware of what this is?"

The omega hummed and as the beta went to tell him, the main alpha spoke, "everyday! we are here to celebrate the coming of a very special wolf." Jeongguk mentally melted. Oh. That's what this is.

"We are?" Mrs. Kim stepped up, eyebrows knitted. Her husbands always been a little... on the insane side but she didn't know if he was this insane to make up something.

She thinks this because she never was told anything and this is all a surprise for her, too. So, she's in for one hell of a surprise, too.

"Yes my dear, a very special wolf. We all can thank Kim Taehyung, my son for the help of bringing this wolf along with his mate, Kim Jeon Jeongguk," some people got it but others didn't and Mrs. Kim seemed not to.

"The new arrival will be here in a month. Now, we all have to hope it is a male so it can stay with our pack and help bring up another generation of wolves after us." Mr. Kim went on and on about new generations and such. But some still didn't get it.

Mr. Kim cleared his throat, "for those of you who have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about, our main alphas son, Kim Taehyung's, omega is expecting and has been for a little over two months so we will have a little pup running around here soon."

Mrs. Kim squealed and before she did anything else, she ran up to Jeongguk and threw her arms around him, the scent of delicate flowers and doe powder filling his senses but he didn't mind as he hugged back.

"I'm so proud! you're carrying the next generations leader! do you know how important this is! how amazing it is!? I am so proud of both of you!" she chimed, eyes glowing a bright purple.

Jeongguk flushed and smiled, looking down, "y-yes..." he didn't know how to respond. How does he respond?

Before he gathered the courage to, Mr. Kim walked over, grinning at his son and then staring at the omega, "you know how important this is, right?" Jeongguk nodded, his inner omega smelling the head alphas irritation and the scent of hate.

"You better not mess this up at all-" "how the hell can he mess up carrying a pup?" Jeon asked, popping in. She stood next to her brother as she waited for the head alpha to reply, and when he did, it was nasty.

"Because he's a Jeon. They are known to reproduce weaklings and I will not allow a weakling in this pack-" "then what are you gonna do with it?" Mr. Kim shrugged, "throw it out. It will last if it is a true woods wolf, which I know the Jeon's can be. But I'm also demanding this pup be a male."

Jeongguk looked up, "sir, with all to respect, I cannot decide whether this pup is a boy or a girl. It is whatever the goddesses give me and I can't change that, I am sorr-" the alpha snorted, "do not give me that back tone young omega. If it is not a male, you know what's going to happen."

"So you're going to take his pup away?" Hoseok asked, canines pressed firmly against his bottom ones. Mr. Kim shrugged, "it isn't taking it away. It is caring for the pack and we will not have a weakly bred female running around here, who, much like her mother would get pregnant every chance she got."

Jeon scoffed, "did you really just refer to my brother being a-" "yes I did. And he would be, believe me. I've seen omegas crawl to the feet of any alpha during a heat and maybe Jeongguk doesn't even have to be in heat to drop to his knees."

The other alpha growled as she went to lunge forward but was stopped by Hoseok and a quick to rush over Yoongi, "I will RIP your throat out if you ever so much as think that again!" her tone was fire.

Jeongguk felt so small on the inside and decided to wander off just in case it got ugly. He doesn't want to witness a mad Jeon again. It's happened more then three times, he's not going to be there for this time.

Plus, she could get torn to shreds but Jeongguk knows she's stronger then most of the packs wolves. Plus, Jeongguk's pregnant. He can't have this stress or anxiety or burden feeling anymore.

That's it, he's just going to avoid everyone.

That'll work.

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