🐺|Chapter 31|🐺

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The omega hummed quietly to himself as he stepped over a log, Taegguk on his hip as she didn't want to walk. Jeongguk just needed fresh air—and she did too except she seemed off about it. He sort of paid a lot of attention to it but tried not to let it bother him. He knows she has a strong scent of smell along with great hearing—all from the alpha traits. So of course he takes into a lot of consideration her body language.

"You alright baby?" Taegguk quietly hummed and pressed herself into her eomma's embrace and softly sighed, watching behind them. The omega was cautious as he smelt the uncomfortable scent she was letting off. Maybe it wasn't serious, but he treated like it was just in case—"you wanna go home love?" Taegguk quietly hummed, scooting herself into a more comfortable position in her mamas arms. Jeongguk softly rubbed her back, turning around and heading home. He felt a bit uneasy here as well, but he tried to hide it as best as possible so he didn't startle his daughter at all.

They reached their home after about ten minutes. Their walk back was pure silence but it didn't bother neither of them, the only sounds being the crunching of sticks below the omegas feet. Of course Jeongguk sort of wished they stayed out longer, but he understood his daughters uneasiness. Plus, it was getting chilly too and the air begun to have a nip to it. Just a basic morning way out in the mountain, but it still somewhat bothered Jeongguk. Call him spoiled if you must, but growing up whenever he felt even the slightest bit cold he would rush inside and his mother would make him hot chocolate and cover him up with a blanket. He misses that, and a lot.

The omega set Taegguk down and she ran inside, going to play with her toys as her eomma shut the door and locked it. Jeongguk turned around but startled so badly he nearly jumped as he made eye contact with the alpha—"I- TAEHYUNG HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN!?" He yelped, surprisingly not notifying the baby alpha who was just in the room over. The elder chuckled and got up, shrugging, "I have my ways..." he quietly stated, quirking his eyebrows up and Jeongguk sighed, breathing out as he sat up, "what do you need?"

The alpha shrugged again, "I just have one important little question to ask you..." he ushered for Jeongguk to sit down, which the omega wearily did. He saw the serious sense the alpha had so he didn't test it—"Jeongguk, when I ask you this you absolutely have to be honest with me. You can't dance around the answer either. I need a simple yes or no." The omega knitted his eyebrows, eyes wide as he waited for it. What could be so important the alpha broke in (or snuck in, whichever as the omega has no clue), and scared the hell out of the omega for?

"Alright Jeongguk, so... do you... perhaps have another pup?" The other leaned forward a bit, looking at the alpha closely. Was Taehyung joking with him? Was he being serious?—"what do you mean?" The other restated his question but did find a better way to put it, "I mean is Taegguk your first?" Jeongguk bit his bottom lip and leaned back, folding his arms, "that I know of... yeah."

An uncomfortable scent lingered in the air and Taehyung sighed deeply, "please, Jeongguk, tell me an actual answer." The omega was processing it and he finally looked up and answered, well, sort of answered, "I mean... maybe. Why?" Taehyung frowned, "alright... if by the slim chance the answer is yes... my father has a pup that someone dumped down there. The pup smells like you. The wolf who dumped the pup there claimed that you would be the only relative she had. She's about two years older then Taegguk." The omega felt like crying. Was this real? Or was this some sick joke the alpha was playing on a little too far?

There was a long minute of silence before the alpha softly said the others name and finally Jeongguk answered, "alright Taehyung... yes, I do have another pup—and she would be around 2 years older then Taegguk too... what does... what does she look like?" The alpha was taken aback, unable to fully process was he was hearing, but nevertheless he went on, "she has shorter black hair, gorgeous doey brown eyes, she honestly looks a lot like you... that's why I thought I'd ask." The omega swallowed that lump in his throat down and he sighed, nodding, "so... what do I do?"

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