The One With The Skype Call

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It took a long tense two minutes of everyone listening to the loud ringing sound before the call was answered and a bald, dark man in a white medical coat appeared onto the teenager's laptop screen. "Hi, my name is Bonnie Bennett," the brunette girl quickly introduced herself before she anxiously stated as if she was afraid the man would hang up on her, "I believe you may have known my Grams, Shelia Bennett."

"Yes, of course," Deaton murmured as his face lit up with a small smile from the sound of the familiar name. The older man curiously looked at each face on his computer screen before he complimented the young girl's relative, "your Grams was a very smart woman." Deaton got more comfortable in his desk chair before he continued as he stated, "I know this couldn't be just a random call, Ms. Bennett."

Bonnie sluggishly nodded her head as she mumbled, "you're right." The Bennett witch nervously crossed her arms over her chest before she mentioned to the older man, "Grams told me I could call you if I ever needed help with something supernatural." Bonnie briefly bit down on her bottom lip before she timidly asked, "does that offer still apply?"

Deaton's interest was instantly piqued as he recalled that he had told Shelia that he was always willing to help her and her family over fifteen years ago. "Yes, of course," Deaton assured the young witch before he curiously wondered, "what is it that you need?"

Bonnie took a deep breath as she prepared to explain everything to the older man. "My best friend, Emily, she was just recently turned into a witch," the Bennett girl mentioned before she added as she knew it was a very important detail, "a Radkova witch." Bonnie wasn't all that familiar with Radkova witches until Emily mentioned it but she knew they were very strong from what she had recently learned.

"A Radkova witch, really?" Deaton immediately questioned as he didn't even try to hide his surprise. "Wow," Deaton gaped as he shook his head before he commented with his brows slightly furrowed, "I thought they all went instinct centuries ago."

"They were," Bonnie told the older man from the little knowledge that she had about the Radkova coven. "Long story short, my best friend, Emily, she was supposed to die in a hybrid sacrifice but the last Radkova witch, Maria, gave up her powers to help her live and become the last and strongest Radkova witch," the Bennett girl told Deaton about what had recently happened.

"Wow," Deaton gaped in surprise, once more, as his dark brown irises slightly widened from this new information. "I would love to meet her," Deaton stated, "I have always been intrigued by the Radkova coven." The veterinarian and druid had learned and met a lot of different supernatural beings over his long career but a Radkova witch - the ones who created the Protectors of the Innocence - was one that he hadn't got the chance to meet. It excited Deaton because when he first began to be a druid, he briefly studied and took part of their practice as a Protector of the Innocence.

"That's the thing, Dr. Deaton," the Bennett witch mumbled as she interrupted the bald man's excitement. "Emily isn't herself," Bonnie solemnly explained as she recalled how her best friend had acted only less than an hour ago and how it hurt her to see Emily like that, "i-it's like she's a completely different person."

Deaton silently nodded his head for a moment before he commented as he tried to calm the young witch through his computer screen, "well, that's understandable after being a human for so long and then becoming a witch." The older man was quiet for a second as he thought about the Protectors of the Innocence before he continued, "a Radkova one at that. It must be a lot for her to handle."

Bonnie shook her head and released a heavy sigh before she muttered, "I don't think that is all what this is about." The Bennett witch briefly paused as she tried to hold in the emotion that was clouding her brown irises before she explained to the older man about what was happening to her best friend, "it's like she's not feeling anymore. Emily's twin sister died in the sacrifice a few days ago and she hasn't been the same sense. S-She even killed someone and she didn't care at all - about anything."

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