The One With The Gilbert Journals

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"Ouch... dammit," the cranky and sleepy voice of the human Petrova doppelganger complained as she slowly lifted up her tired body from the uncomfortable position that she was in on the Gilbert cabin's couch. Emily then glanced around her in confusion once she was sitting up before she let out a quiet huff as she realized that she must have fallen asleep here when she was waiting for Stefan. The human girl had tried to stay up and wait for the Salvatore vampire to come back into the cabin so they could talk this out, but Emily guessed that she must have passed out while she had been looking through Johnathan Gilbert's life - hence the old leather bound journal lying across her lap.

Emily let out a small sigh as she was all alone - which she absolutely hated. I guess Stef is still pissed, the Gilbert girl thought as she leaned her back against the soft couch and closed her green eyes in annoyance. The human doppelganger then boredly glanced around the living room and the kitchen once she got rid of the sleepiness she was feeling before she swiftly noticed Stefan standing by the lake from her view from the large window that overlooked the water.

This trip is just so much fun, Emily sarcastically thought as she stretched out her sore body from the awkward position she had fallen asleep in. The human girl hated that Stefan was mad at her but she knew she couldn't do anything about it since Stefan wouldn't even walk into the same room as her. So, instead of begging for the vampire's attention, who wasn't even making an effort with her, Emily grabbed the journal from her lap and decided to read more into her ancestor's life.

"With the dying embers of the fire at Fell's church," Emily began to read from Johnathan Gilbert's own words, "the scourge of the vampires has passed. And though war raged all around us, our town was safe from the demons of the night... or so we thought."

This must have been when they thought they got rid of all of the vampires in the church, Emily immediately realized at the mention of the fire at Fell's church or what she knows it as; the tomb. The brunette girl then quickly flipped to the next page as she couldn't help but become engrossed into her ancestor's side of the story from that night; from a human perspective.

"For the monsters we drove to their fiery deaths had begat new monsters," the human girl continued to read before she was swiftly pulled into the story from the nineteenth century of the ending war between the vampires and the founding families.



Inside of the estate of Johnathan Gilbert was a brewing party as the founding families celebrated the end of all of the vampires that were in their small town of Mystic Falls. There was drinks of strong whiskey for the men and red wine for the women being toasted around the large table with lavish foods being served. It was the perfect evening for their defeat of the night creatures.

However, all the cheering, laughing, and talking were all soon interrupted when a loud creaking sound ran throughout the large dining room of the Gilbert residence by the ceiling to floor window that gave the founding families a clear view to the night sky. "Did you hear that?" Honoria Fell whispered nervously after a moment of silence as she was the only one brave enough to utter a single sound.

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