The One With The Text

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Emily ended up heading back to Alaric's apartment after her failed exploration with the original vampire. It was the only thing the Radkova witch could do until Rebekah decided to talk to her or not about Mikael.

The Radkova witch was climbing the flight of stairs in the apartment building when her cell phone began ringing. Emily paused just when she was about half way up the stairs before Emily pulled her cell phone out of the back pocket of her jeans. The Radkova witch looked down to the device before she saw that it was Elena who was calling her.

"Hey," Emily murmured after she accepted the call and brought her cell phone up to her ear. "I'm here at Alaric's," the Radkova witch told her twin sister, "I'll be up there in a second."

"That's good to know," Elena murmured before she informed her sibling, "but I'm not there."

Emily immediately furrowed her brows in confusion. "Where are you, then?" The Radkova witch inquired before she reminded the human girl, "I thought you were going to wait for my Rebekah info at Alaric's."

It wasn't Elena's voice that responded like the Radkova witch thought would. Instead, it was the older Salvatore as he informed Emily, "we've gone to see our prisoner."

"You're on speakerphone!" Elena quickly warned her twin sister once her boyfriend had stopped talking.

The Radkova witch playfully rolled her green eyes. I figured as much, Emily thought to herself. However, Emily decided to not tease Elena when they have a lot of other stuff to worry about at the moment.

"How's he doing?" Emily quietly asked.

The Radkova witch may not be Stefan's biggest fan at the moment but she was still concerned for her ex-boyfriend. Emily hated to see Stefan in pain but she, once again, had to remind herself that this was all necessary to get the real Stefan back.

"Uh, he's looking quite pasty and pouty," Damon told the Radkova witch as he stared at his brother through the small window in the jail cell door.

"Well, that's something," Emily muttered as she continued her way up the stairs towards Alaric's apartment.

That was all the Radkova witch could really say at the moment. It wasn't a good sign and it wasn't a bad sign of Damon's description of Stefan's state. It just meant that it was a waiting game. The only thing they could do now is wait for Stefan to get hungry and tired enough that he'll want to fight the hold that Klaus has on him.

"Oh, hey," Elena murmured as she spoke through the speakerphone before she curiously asked her twin sister, "how did your talk with Rebekah go?"

"Uh..." The Radkova witch muttered as a frown took over her face before she confessed, "not great."

Damon released a loud scoff on the other end of the call. "I knew Barbie Klaus was going to be a dead end," the Salvatore vampire huffed.

"I don't think it's a dead end," Emily argued with her sister's boyfriend. "I think Rebekah is trying to put up a front like any teenage girl would when she's afraid," the Radkova witch stated.

"Rebekah? Afraid?" Elena asked her twin sister in confusion. Those two words just didn't seem like they belonged in the same sentence in Elena's opinion.

"Yep," Emily murmured as she nodded her head. "She's a hundred percent afraid of Mikael. I saw it all over her face." Emily told the couple as she thought back to the fear that she witnessed in Rebekah's blue eyes.

"I had to do a little threatening," the Radkova witch admitted before she swore, "but Rebekah will come around."

"Well, let's hope she doesn't put you into a wheelchair with you stupidly threatening an original," the Salvatore vampire muttered with a hint of annoyance in his voice from Emily's actions.

Emily rolled her green eyes as she opened the door to the vampire hunter's apartment. "You sound like a worried mother," the Radkova witch muttered with a chuckle before she promised, "she won't hurt me." Emily closed the door behind her as she reminded the couple, "Klaus would kill Rebekah if she did something to his precious blood bag."

"Hey!" Elena exclaimed before she told her twin sister, "I don't like when you talk about yourself like that."

Elena absolutely hated the fact that Klaus was collecting her twin sister's blood for his own personal gain. The human girl knew it wasn't exactly hurting Emily but she didn't like the idea of her twin sister being used like this, especially by someone who could easily kill her with a flick of a wrist.

"Sorry," Emily sheepishly apologized to her twin sister.

Emily knew how sensitive Elena was when it came to things like pain and death. The Radkova witch had pretty much had come immune to it all from watching practically everyone she loves die or come back to life in some way or form.

"Listen, I'll talk to you later," Emily told her twin sister and the older Salvatore. "I'll let you guys deal with Stefan while I try to get through to Rebekah," the Radkova witch murmured.

"Okay," Elena murmured as she took her cell phone off of speakerphone. "Talk to you soon," the human girl promised before she told her twin sister, "love you."

The Radkova witch told Elena that she loved her too before she ended the phone call. Emily slipped her cell phone into the back pocket of her jeans before she looked up and noticed that the Saltzman hunter was watching her with his left eyebrow raised.

"Rebekah will come around," Emily insisted as she moved closer to the vampire hunter, who was still standing in front of the hundreds of photographs that they had of the drawings from the Lockwood cellar.

"Are you sure about that?" Alaric inquired as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the living room wall in his apartment. "I mean a thousand-year-old vampire, I'm sure, has learned the art of patience," Alaric muttered.

The Radkova witch didn't get the opportunity to argue with the vampire hunter before Emily felt her cell phone vibrate in the back pocket of her jeans. Emily pulled out the device and looked down at the screen before a smirk slowly pulled onto her lips.

"Rebekah is a teenage girl at heart. All she really wants is someone to just listen to her," the Radkova witch told Alaric before Emily flipped her cell phone around to show him the text message that the original vampire had just sent her.

'Come over for a chat. Rebekah'

Alaric softly chuckled in disbelief as he read the text message on Emily's cell phone. The Saltzman hunter innocently held up his hands in the air. "Alright, alright," Alaric muttered, "it seems like you know what you're doing."

Emily smirked across at the vampire hunter. "Don't you worry. I got this," the Radkova witch promised, "I'll get the information we need."

Alaric silently nodded his head as he had complete trust in the Radkova witch. "Good luck," the Saltzman hunter told Emily before he warned her, "but be careful. This is an original we're talking about."

"I know," the Radkova witch murmured as a serious look took over her face. "I'll be careful," Emily promised to her aunt's boyfriend before she added, "I'll be back as soon as I can."

Emily shot the vampire hunter one last comforting and confident look before she turned around and made her way out of Alaric's apartment.

The Radkova witch could feel her magic itching throughout her body as Emily made her way down the stairs of the apartment building. Emily was feeling nervous and excited for her conversation with Rebekah.

Emily was nervous because she was afraid that Rebekah wouldn't actually give her the answers she was searching for and Emily was excited at the possibility that they will finally find a way to get rid of Klaus for good.

The Radkova witch could only hope that Rebekah wasn't just going to waste her time and she would give her an actual answer this time unlike their conversation on the football field.

There was a lot on the line and Emily didn't have time for games when the original hybrid could return any day now, especially when Stefan's humanity was in danger of disappearing for good. 

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