III. what could love ever do to him?

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Vela's whole body seized like a horrible cold shiver as he looked upon the shadow who called him brother. He felt an odd churning in his stomach, like there was a challenge of power, as if something about this figure was trying to alter something about Vela. He could almost feel his desires changing, and images of Nico and Will raced across his mind.

             "Forgive me," Vela said. "But I have quite a few siblings. Mind giving me a clue?"

There was no doubting Vela's relations to this person. He was beautiful. He had pitch black hair, darker than even Nico's, and terrifyingly stunning red eyes that were mesmerising. They looked as if looking into them could put Vela under a spell. He didn't look. It unnerved him. Vela had encountered red eyes before upon a villain and he wondered why his brother might have the same visage as Lycaon. He tried not to tense up with the memories.

The guy was tall as well, taller than Vela which was more than a little frustrating for his ego and he was broader too, perhaps emphasised by his elongated wings that he flapped with frustration at Vela's cluelessness of his identity.

             "I will not be toyed with by a child." His brother snapped. Patience was clearly not a shared family trait. Vela took care to not on this shortness of temper. The red eyes made Vela's predator instincts hackle and he wanted to have the upper hand. He wanted to know what he could use against this man, what he could do to wound his obvious ego. 

Vela arched his brow slowly. "Appearances can be deceiving." He responded. He took extra care to keep his voice steady and to not be annoyed by being called a child. He had had enough of being named a child in the halls of Olympus, he wasn't going to take the disrespect from a stranger. "I understand I don't have the same wrinkles as most two thousand year olds."

His brother scoffed. "Please." He sneered. "Some the mortals still believe that I am a child of Chaos, one of the first deities, I am that much older than you. You are a child... compared to me, at least."

Vela sighed, keep control. "And you still haven't let me know who that is." He said stiffly. "Which one are you? Eryx? Hermaphroditus?"

"I am Eros." He snapped and Vela watched him carefully, a little tense for his raised voice. Vela wasn't a fan of yellers. "Lieutenant to Aphrodite, son of love and war." He revealed a silver bow from thin air and a matching quiver was strapped across his feathered back. Vela tensed notibly, his thumbs moving to his rings out of instinct. "That means I fight well, and I look good doing it." Vela cringed. Eros smirked mockingly. "And I don't make a habit of getting stabbed through the head."

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