II. becoming a skateboarding legend

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0002. | BECOMING A

"Mister Chase?"

Vela was elbowed abruptly by his classmate at the repetition of his name. He snapped his bowed head up, his hair falling in his eyes as he looked to his Literature teacher. Vela blushed and combed a hand through his hair, sitting up straight. "Yes, Miss?"

Vela's English teacher was a young woman, probably just out of college with an education degree and relatively pretty, but Vela thought she was a little weird. This judgement came from the fact that he caught her staring at him a lot, but he also got that with his classmates too. For the first few weeks of attending high school with Annabeth, Vela hadn't really made any friends despite his numerous efforts as everyone seemed intimidated by him for some reason.

It wasn't even for him looking intimidating as the Mist worked wonders in covering his gruesomely scarred eye to how he looked when he had first fallen from the sky, but even still, Vela would always catch someone staring at him, even his teachers. Especially today when he had shown up in his 'skater outfit' as Percy called it because the son of Poseidon had promised to teach Vela after school how to do a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree inward heel flip. Vela wondered why that had caught him so much attention.

That was mostly due to the fact that Vela was completely unaware of how he looked to other people. He couldn't understand that other people, human or not, saw him as a god. And not only a god, but a son of Aphrodite with floppy hair and a tanned olive complexion standing at six feet tall. Vela didn't realise that his face was the reason heartbeats picked up around him, and not the fierceness of his silver stare.

His teacher, Miss Olivers, blushed. "Um, would you mind reading this next extract from Homer?" She prompted him, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Vela shrugged carelessly and nodded.

He cleared his throat. "O Pátroklos mílise kai évale néa kardiá kai thárros se káthe ántra. Épesan maziká stous Trojans kai o ekfovistikós vrychithmós tous anticheí gyro apó ta ploía." Vela paused as he felt eyes on him. He glanced up with worry to see the whole class staring at him like he was insane.

One of the guys in Vela's class, Kyle (maybe?) snickered. "Yo, dude, I thought you Chases were supposed to be smart. Why can't you read?" Kyle was kind of an asshole.

          But Alex, his friend, was even more of one. "Bro, he's adopted." Both Kyle and Alex erupted into a chorus of snickers aimed at Vela.

"He spoke the original Grecian text." Vela looked to his knight in shining armour who had come to his rescue. It was the girl behind him, Merope. Merope had blue dyed hair and a nose piercing and every other piercing one could imagine on her face and ears, and a water bottle that Vela had a suspicion didn't contain legal beverages for someone of age fourteen. "Of course you'd need a few brain cells to figure that out, dick for brains."

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