II. ice cream and a barbecued god

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Vela couldn't take Nico to Sonoma Valley no matter how much he wanted to. He wanted to show Nico everything - the centre of his success. Where he had won the Challenge and dethroned a red eyed devil and started something new with the blessing of Demeter and the partnership of Lupa. But Vela couldn't do it.

He had sworn on the River Styx to never speak of the Roman camp and he figured taking Nico so close to their territory would be catastrophic and, no matter how hard he would fight to protect him, Vela wasn't so sure how well he might cope against a whole camp of Roman demigods. So he had told Lea to meet him at Spring Lake Regional Park without Lupa. He couldn't risk letting any Roman knowing of Nico but he knew he could trust Lea. If Vela swore her to secrecy, she wouldn't be able to break it.

Nico was fidgety. He didn't like meeting knew people and Nico had technically never seen Lea. Coincidentally, whenever Vela found time to call her, it was when Nico was asleep so when Vela told him that they needed to go meet a werewolf named Lea, he was skeptical.

           "Why isn't she here yet?" Nico scuffed his foot into the grass earning himself a glare from a park ranger. "What if it's a trap?"

          Vela rested a hand on his shoulder and contrary to seven months ago when he would've shoved him off, Nico now let it stay. "Lea wouldn't betray me, it's not a trap. We just need to speak with her." He assured him but even he was getting a little annoyed. He knew Lea was probably only late to annoy him and it was working wonders.

           "You seem pretty close with her." Nico grumbled, fiddling with his skull ring as he always did when he was anxious.

           Vela tried not to get too excited when he heard the jealousy in Nico's voice. He kept his voice steady. "She's a friend," he said. "I've known her since my fight with Lycaon. You can trust her."

"Well isn't that sweet?" Vela jumped at Lea's voice from behind him. Nico did too, backing up to Vela's side with his hand on his Stygian iron sword in warning. "Why can't you say things like that to my face?"

Vela rolled his eyes with a smile. "Because your ego's already too big." She laughed smugly. Lea didn't look too different from when he'd last seen her in person. She was still six feet tall with a runner's body and her blonde hair in a ponytail that reminded him of Annabeth.

They caught each other in a welcoming hug that Nico glared at, hand still on his sword. Lea pulled back to look over at the short, black haired boy. "You're Nico, right?" She pointed at him with a finger gun.

"-di Angelo." Nico introduced, putting his hand out for her to shake like he always did if they met new people. A sweet little habit from the era he was born in. "You must be Lea."

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