XXII. his divine protection is not invincible

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Vela dreamt of Nico.

The dark haired boy was sat at his desk, the both of them in his bedroom in Erebos, though Nico hadn't yet noticed him. Nico was holding something in his hands, staring intently at it. Vela frowned, taking a step forward to get a better look. Nico was holding a phone, and on the tiny screen he saw the delivered message he had sent to Vela from when he was in the tent. Vela hadn't responded to it yet, he was trying to think of an equally witty and enticing reply and had yet to come up with one and so had left Nico on delivered. Now, seeing Nico scanning over the text incessantly, he felt bad.

"Stalking me?" Vela asked suddenly, breaking the silence and Nico flipped out of his skin, jumping up so abruptly, he dropped his phone and knocked over his desk chair, his eyes wide and frantic. Vela sealed his lips shut tightly to make sure he didn't laugh. "Sorry."

Nico's chest heaved with equal panic and anger at the god who had snuck up on him. "What the hell are you doing here?" He demanded, sounding frustrated but Vela was sure it was just embarrassment from being caught off guard.

"Hell." He snickered. "Good one." Vela grinned boyishly, prompting Nico to stop scowling and fight his own smile at Vela's amused expression.

Nico avoided eye contact, knowing he'd cave and laugh if he looked at him. "I wasn't trying to be funny..."

"Must be the natural charm then." Vela winked at him and Nico's cheeks flushed.

Nico twisted his skull ring around his finger. "Are you really here, or—?" He prompted. Vela scratched the back of his neck, leaning on the doorframe where he stood. He balanced, holding one arm on the frame above him, looking sheepish.

"No," he said, hating to admit it. "Last I remember I was free falling off of a mountain and I blacked out."

Nico rushed forward and caught Vela in a hug, his arms squeezing around the god's sturdy torso, nearly knocking him over with the ferocity of his embrace. Vela grinned silently, wrapping his arms around Nico's shoulders, holding him just as tightly. "Don't tell me stuff like that." Nico grumbled. "I don't like not being able to help."

Vela smiled, pressing his cheek against the top of Nico's head. "This helps." He promised. "Being with you."

He felt Nico smile against his chest and his heart rattled at the feeling. "Then I won't let go." Nico mumbled into Vela's t-shirt.

Vela gulped, his stomach twisting into knots as he heard Nico's honesty. He let his eyes fall shut, basking in the feeling of Nico against him and his comforting scent of charcoal and pine.

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