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          All he can see is blue. A horizon where a midnight sky meets a twilight ocean. He tilts his head back to survey the stars but sees none, no constellation to cover the sky; only thick blue clouds and a shimmering full moon that makes his stomach pull. He looks down. He's standing on a deck, sturdy, carved wood with the bow of an outstretched owl surging through the inky night sea. The air is cool but not cold, though he still has goosebumps. There's a sudden sound of footsteps behind him on a previously empty deck and he turns. There is a woman with the softest of frowns on her brow. Her skin is a dark olive and her hair is pitch black under the clouds, in curls that fall to her thighs. She wears a deep green chiton and a caring countenance that watches him with a tilted head.


          Vela gasped awake for the third time that night. The exact same dream that had been replaying in his head for hours of slumber only to wake him after the presence of that woman.

           He was panting quietly, his chest heaving as his heart strained to regulate itself and to calm the sweat that stuck his drooping fringe to his forehead. He pushed it back for the sticky feeling of sweaty hair stuck to his skin. He gulped and swung himself off of his bed silently. Iásonas.

           His feet didn't make a sound as he padded to the bathroom but he could still see Silena stirring in her sleep like she was struggling with her own nightmares. He locked the bathroom door and switched the light on. Iásonas.

           His vision blurred for a second before focusing on the mirror ahead. His forehead was covered in sweat as well as the rest of him, forcing his night shirt to stick to his chest. He peeled it off and tossed it to the laundry pile. Iásonas.

          He glanced back up to the mirror as a flicker of gold caught his eye. His nose was bleeding, streaming quickly with his golden blood that he worked fast to wash away. Iásonas.

          He needed to cool down. His hand went for the faucet when his shaking grip snapped the tap off, water shooting up and out of the faucet all over him and the room. Vela flinched and grabbed a towel to muffle the water but it was quickly getting soaked, turning the towel that same midnight blue of the ocean near the horizon. Iásonas.

           Vela stumbled back and the towel fell from his grip, slapping on the ceramic tiles. He heaved, his heart racing again and his head splitting with a migraine that wouldn't cease. He clutched his head painfully, forcing a pull in his gut as the water shut off suddenly and the open end of the metal faucet crumpled like he had crushed it with his fist. No more water flowed from it. Iásonas.

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