III. sweet sins upon angels' lips make sinners

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          "Oh my gods..."

          Was it possible to be ecstatic and furious at the same time? Because Vela sure was both. On the one hand, Vela was ready to kill Nico. He had given him specific instructions to never—ever—ever—ever—ever—ever—ever go remotely near Camp Jupiter, and here he was, slap bang in the middle of the camp. He was surrounded by threats—Vela's enemies—on all sides, armed only with his sword and on his own as well! Vela was absolutely furious with him, angry at the boy who just had to ignore his instructions and walk right into what could be a trap, or at the least, dangerous for him as the only Greek among Romans. But, on the other hand... Vela had missed him a tonne the past two months, and plus, he looked really good in that black t-shirt so it was kind of hard to stay mad at him.

          But apparently, Nico was the one who was mad. He looked up at Vela, fury covering his expression. "What—in my father's name—are you doing here?"

          Vela stared at him with a blank expression, not sure what to say. Literally, like he actually didn't know what to say, or even how to say it—he was a wolf.

Nico clocked on quickly. "For Zeus's sake, can't you change back?" He stressed. Vela tilted his head to the side, confused. Nico's shoulders slumped with obvious frustration. "Fine." He huffed. "Yes and no questions. First—are you stupid?" He demanded.

Vela shrunk his head back into his neck, offended. He was slightly confused as to how to answer. Honestly, yes, he was stupid, but he had a feeling that that wasn't what Nico was hinting at. Slowly, and still very confused, Vela nodded slowly. He saw a glimmer of a smile flicker on Nico's face before he controlled it back to his scowl.

"Vel, this is Camp Jupiter!" Nico hissed. Vela rolled his eyes and made his best effort towards a 'well obviously' face. "The breeding ground of Roman territory! You could die!—You should be dead!—Why aren't you dead?"

Vela took a step and nudged his hand with his nose. Nico got the message.

"Me?" Nico frowned. He looked thoroughly confused but that didn't stop him from stroking Vela's muzzle. Vela pressed into his hand closer. "How does that work? Is it a soul bond thing? Is it a Greek thing? A god thing?"

Vela shrugged like your guess is as good as mine.

"Oh, that—that's really useful." Nico snarked. "That shrug..." he grumbled. His hand brushed over Vela's fur like he was becoming familiar with it again. "How come you're like this?" He asked. Vela stared blankly at him. "Right, yes or no questions... Is the wolf form permanent?" He shook his head, no. "Is it Lycaon?" No. "Will you change back eventually?" Yes. "Why're you even here?" Vela stared at him blankly again. Nico scowled. "Well there's not exactly a yes or no question for that, dork! We could be here all day." He paused. "Are you here for me?" No, that was actually a total coincidence.

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