XVI. snowstorms and poor communication

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After six hours of walking and an almost thirty minute long phone call with Annabeth, promising her that he wasn't dead and that the RIP ME LOL text was a joke, with an interval where Annabeth spoke to Adonis, quizzing him that he wasn't going to hurt Vela, Vela and Adonis were able to make it to the woods north of Kansas City, a little way off of Omaha. Vela was following a scent that was stained with blood and he almost started trailing in circles until Adonis changed clothes from his which had been soaked in blood and tree sap. Vela found it a lot easier to track after that.

"Tell me again," Adonis said, breathing a little heavily as he climbed over a tree root. "Why do you need to kill this Lycaon guy?"

Vela sniffed the air and angled their travels slightly more northwest. "Because he's trying to kill me."

Adonis nodded and glanced sideways to Vela. "But didn't you try to kill him first?"

Vela sent Adonis a look like shut up! "Yeah..." he admitted. "But I was told to." He excused and carried on walking but with a slower pace. He could hear Adonis' heart hammering and he could only pinpoint it down to the fast hike and hours for which they had been walking.

"You were told to kill a guy...?" Adonis queried. Vela nodded. "How old are you again?" Vela paused and frowned. Adonis arched an eyebrow at him. "Is it that hard to figure out?"

"Give me a minute!" Vela whined. "Uh, physically thirteen, but I'll be fourteen in January—um—technically I'm two thousand years old, but I've only had a body for two, nearly three years." Adonis stared at him blankly and Vela grinned.

"So you're thirteen, three, and two thousand years old...?" Adonis checked. Vela nodded. "That makes no sense."

Vela nodded again. "Yeah, I know." Adonis snickered quietly but his voice caught with a shiver. Vela looked at him and realised the sky was darkening and the air was chilling. "You cold?" He asked. Adonis shook his head, no, but Vela was already taking his backpack off. He pulled a hoodie out of the bag and passed it to Adonis. "Here." He said. "We should probably stop here for the night, we're getting close and we need to be rested."

Adonis smiled and took the red hoodie from him. "You sure?" He asked. "I can keep going," he insisted but Vela shook his head and kicked some branches out of the way to make a clearing for them.

"I'm sure." Vela certified. He dropped his bag to the ground and ran a hand through his hair. Adonis stared at him as Vela looked about. "It's going to be cold tonight." He noted. "We need a fire." He decided.

Adonis lit up. "Oh, fire I know." He grinned. "When I was in the Fields of Punishment, Hades used to get these torches of fire and stick them—,"

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