XIII. the question she didn't want to answer

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Vela was reluctant to admit it, but the titan wasn't so bad. Calypso was quite nice to him, she would feed him when his arms didn't work and she would brush her hands through his hair when she thought he was asleep, and she had made him bespoke fit clothes for him to wear. But Vela also noticed how sad she got when he shared her smiles, when he would try to get to know her - she would always become distant and saddened and Vela was struggling to know what he had done wrong.

Vela wasn't like most boys, he understood girls, most of his friends were girls because he knew how their thought processes worked. But Calypso was a code he couldn't crack. She would give him longing gazes and when Vela returned them, she would look away. He didn't know to do.

Even then, as they sat on the beach strip of the island with his arm in her lap as she sewed his knuckles, she refused to even look at him.

Vela's toes were tickled by the sea foam as the tide waved in and out over the golden sand and he grew homesick. Seeing the sea foam only reminded him of his mother. His mother who had let loose a guttural scream in his last memory of her.

"What is it?" Calypso asked him. Vela noticed he had scrunched his hand into a fist that ripped the stitches she had made. He unclenched it.

"Sorry." He winced.

She set down her needle so she could face him. "Tell me, my hero." She prompted him softly. "What troubles you?"

He stared at the sea foam. "I miss my mum." He admitted. "She doesn't know I'm alive. No one does. Not even Ann-," he stopped himself. He knew better than to mention Annabeth to Calypso. She always got angry when he did.

"Annabeth." She finished for him with a harsh voice. "Yes, I know." She picked up her needle again and began threading back through his fingers. "Always Annabeth..." she mumbled spitefully to herself.

"What does that mean?" Vela asked it before he meant to, but he figured this was the closest he had gotten to Calypso in the few days of his consciousness so he didn't take it back.

"Nothing." She insisted but Vela stopped her threading hand with his free one. Calypso stared at their joined hands like it was something poisonous but life giving.

"Tell me, my healer." He teased hoping she would loosen up. This was the closest he'd gotten to her. She smiled reluctantly when she looked at him, like she couldn't help but smile when she saw him.

Calypso gazed off to the horizon longingly. "There were more heroes to come to my island before you." She revealed. "One named Percy Jackson."

Vela stammered a stifled gasp. He didn't want to interrupt her but holy Hephaestus!

"He left Ogygia for a daughter of Athena." She continued. "He left me for Annabeth." Her voice wasn't spiteful, it was sad. It was the voice of a girl who knew no matter what, she was cursed to never leave a place where everyone else could come and go as they pleased. Vela squeezed her hand.

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