XXVIII. the art of their eye contact

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0028. | THE ART OF

Nico had never been so freaking terrified in his life than when he was flying through the air like Icarus. Annabeth had instructed them on how to use the wings but he was panicking so badly. He had a feeling Zeus wouldn't like him flying at any altitude but he steeled himself - if Percy could do it without being blasted by lightning, then so could he.

Besides, Vela had made a deal with him. I'll jump if you jump. Nico didn't know what to think, all he knew was that he trusted the stranger from his dreams. And when Vela caught him in his bruised arms, Nico could do nothing more than hold his breath in anticipation of what the beautiful boy might do.

Nico despised himself for his thoughts about the son of Aphrodite, they were wrong, bad thoughts. He wasn't meant to think of boys in that way, it wasn't right. But he couldn't help it when he looked at Vela. He was so brave and strong, even then as he flew and looked slightly travel sick. He was just a beautiful boy who, for some reason, paid attention to Nico. So despite Nico's thoughts about the boy that he knew were wrong, he didn't stop thinking them - he just decided to keep them to himself.

"Yeah!" Percy screamed from below him. He was clearly enjoying himself but Nico couldn't bring himself to enjoy it the same.

Nevertheless, he made sure he was flying beside Vela just in case anything happened. Keeping him safe was his top priority, especially if he looked ill. From the fight at Daedalus's workshop, Vela had made it clear he didn't need protection, but Nico wanted to help him anyway, to take care of him. And there was nothing he could do to fight that instinct.

"Land!" Annabeth yelled from above them. "These wings won't last forever."

Vela mumbled a curse under his breath but Nico heard him and chuckled. Unfortunately the idea of dropping from so high up in the sky was daunting enough to keep him focussed and stop him laughing. "How long?" Rachel asked.

"I don't want to find out!" Annabeth answered. Vela looked like he would've said something but he decided it was best to keep his mouth shut. Nico thought he looked quite sickly and wondered how someone who looked ill could still look handsome.

Percy dropped down onto a rooftop of what looked like a visitors centre and they all followed. Nico landed on his feet and looked at Vela immediately to check he was okay. Vela stumbled when he landed, ripping the wings off and throwing them as far away from him as he could.

"You okay?" Nico asked gently, being brave and putting his hand on his shoulder. Vela managed a smile at him just before shooting around on his heel. He turned just in time to vomit on the rooftop and not on Nico. "Oh, you're not... um, there, there." Nico patted his back awkwardly as Vela coughed it all up.

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