Chapter 66

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"You're lying!" I exhaled in hopeful disbelief, receiving no a response in return. "Please tell me it isn't true, Jeremy..." I begged. "Please!"

"I don't know, let me I lying?" He returned sarcastically. "How does it feel to know you're dying right this very moment, huh?"

Choked by every thought and emotion possible, I found myself weak on all levels. After stumbling to the bathroom, I emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet until it became painful. The taste of bile was as bitter and noxious as Jeremy's attempt to shatter me in my most fragile state, but the sound of Spencer coming through the front door counteractively held me together for the moment.

"Get it together!" I coached myself while reaching up to grip the edge of the sink. With great effort, I was able to stand on my feet.

"Helloooo?" Spencer called out. "Where you at?"

From the sound of his footsteps, I could tell he was headed in my direction.

"In the right out, babe!" I yelled back in the perkiest manner possible, before spitting one last time into the toilet bowl. It took a second to process what had just slipped out of my mouth. "Babe? BAAAABE! Shi Shi, why the hell did you just say that?" I whined silently as I smoothed my hair. None of that really mattered because by then, my cell began ringing incessantly. Too much was happening at one time. The expectation that Jeremy was on the other end was beginning to make me sick all over again. At this point, if ever there was ever a rock bottom to hit, I had certainly hit that s**t-- HARD! Fortunately it was just Mone', but this wasn't the time to be taking any social calls.

After powering off the phone, I splashed cold water on my face. It must have taken a while to get myself together because Spencer had already poured our drinks and was nearly halfway done with his.

"For you m'lady," he said with a strange accent followed by a bow. By the time he looked up, I knew, that HE knew something was wrong. "What happened?" He questioned stepping forward to examine my face.

"Oh nothing, I know, just in the bathroom washing my face, and uhhh...can you believe I just got soap in my eyes!" I lied. "...ha, thought I was gonna burn my damn eyeballs out! Now they're probably all red and stuff, huh?" I laughed nervously. "No worries. I'm fine now. It's honestly not as bad as it looks.

"I can only imagine...glad you're ok. But hey, let's make a toast..." he said as we both raised our glasses. "To life, love, and good health! SALUD!"

As I downed the cocktail, the alcohol instantly warmed my body. I began to think about the very blood running through my veins. HIV? Did I really have it or was this one of Jeremy's sick jokes? I certainly didn't "feel" like I did. But, what would that even feel like anyway? No matter what, I was going to get tested for EVERYTHING. Until then, I would drown my sorrows in endless pools of bitter-sweet libations.

The night moved forward as beautifully as it could between old friends having dinner and drinks. Our conversation flowing effortlessly allowed me to open up in the most vulnerable way. As night began to fall, both of us were beyond intoxicated. Him more than I, considering the fact that he had the balls to ask me about my relationship with Jeremy. The subject alone instantly caused me to cry. But, he deserved to know, just like I deserved to free myself from his mental bondage. However, was tonight really a good night?

Seeing the broken state that I was in, Spencer stood up and began to wipe away my tears.

"We don't have to talk about this anymore alright. Tonight is about US..." He whispered softly, as he stood to shift his chair into a position that was directly next to mine. While I was still seated and facing the table, he reached his hand in between my legs to simultaneously turn and pull my chair to face him. "You are an amazing woman, baby girl. I never wanna see you crying like this. Now go get yourself together and I'll be right here ready to put a smile on your face when you get back, alright?" 

I obeyed.

After splashing water on my face a few times and taking a moment to myself, I walked back into the living room only to be greeted by Spence who was standing there with the lights dim, wearing nothing but socks. Baring it all, I was thoroughly impressed by the size of his package, but unbeknownst to him, sex was still the furthest thing from my mind. I was fully prepared to break the news. However, as he walked slowly in my direction, nothing would prepare us for what was to come next. The fortuitous sound of breaking glass filled the room shattering any chance of a comfortable evening. Jeremy was back to finally ready to make good on his promise...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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