Chapter 18

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"Hey babe, how was class?" Jeremy asked, not realizing what was ensuing around him.

I didn't know whether to be scared or pissed the F**k off that Spencer would try me like this. He continued glaring in my direction, so I swiftly thought of a way to hold Jeremy's attention until Spence came to his senses.

"Baby, my day has been so amazing, and seeing you now is like the icing on the cake! Gimme some suga!" I giggled, then gave him a passionate lingering kiss.

"Oh, s**t babe! Keep that same energy when we make it to the house," he smiled and made a perverted gesture with his tongue.

This wasn't at all how I wanted to expose my situation, but DAMN, what other choice did I have? The craziest part about it all was that I had never been in a relationship with Spencer, so my actions alone should've been enough to send that unstable fool on his way. But instead, in my peripheral vision, I witnessed him walking over to the driver-side door. I nearly died when he knocked on the window.

"Yo! Excuse me," Spencer began, "I don't mean to bother you and your beautiful lady here, but can you tell me the fastest way to Damen Street?"

"Umm,'s actually that street right there man," Jeremy directed.

"How stupid was that question?" I thought to myself. Meanwhile, I was boiling with rage.

"Oh okay, I see it. Thanks, bro! By the way, you look kinda familiar," Spencer continued. "Is your name Chris? Didn't you go to Hyde Park High School?"

"Nah, fam. I think you got the wrong person..."

"Can we go? I'm starving," I interjected. In my mind, I dared Spencer to say another word. There was no coming back from this stunt as far as I was concerned. Thankfully, Jeremy pulled off.

"Did he seem weird to you?" Jeremy questioned.

"Definitely! Forget all of that though, wachu got on my tacos? Let's eat first, then pick up the baby," I suggested.

Now that I was in school full time, the difficult choice of putting Lil' Jamal into daycare had to be made. Thankfully, a close family friend operated one out of her home, so I was confident that he would be well taken care of. Trey used to be my go-to person, but for whatever reason, he landed himself jail— Again!

To save time, we decided to get the tacos to go. After downing the first of three, a strong queasy feeling came over me. I figured it must have been my unregulated nerves from the previous encounter, but Jeremy was convinced that I was pregnant. We always protected ourselves, so that verity was highly unlikely. Although I wasn't on formal birth control, the idea of having another baby was the furthest thing from my mind. Neither one of us were stable, so it should've been the furthest thing from his mind as well.

Before we made it to the daycare, Jeremy unexpectedly stopped by a local Walgreens store to pick up a pregnancy test. I was beyond irritated by the act.

"I've already told you several times that I wasn't pregnant, Jeremy."

"It's not gonna hurt you to take it," he countered in a serious manner.

"We use condoms!"

"So! They aren't 100%."

"Fine! I'm gonna go inside the store and take it. When it comes back negative, you owe me a fifth of Hennessy. Deal?" He laughed at my demand.

"Aight, bet!"

Five minutes later, I returned to the car looking more serious than ever...

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