Chapter 43

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I confidently walked up to Jeremy's car, on one hand, feeling no way about being caught, but on the other, wondering exactly how long he had been watching me. No doubt, I was waiting for him to throw Kevin in my face because I was sure as hell ready to bring up Jada. Surprisingly, he quietly opened the car door for me, then got in the driver's seat cool, calm, and collected.

"Soo, what's up?" I said, breaking the ice.

"Nothin'..." He responded casually.

I couldn't help but notice a strange and imperceptible feeling beginning to come over me. Jeremy was calm at times, but never this calm and rarely this nonchalant.

"Okaaaay, well you just started driving like you knew where you were going. I haven't even told you the address to the Doctor's office yet.

"Right, my bad. Where is it?"

"It's near the corner of Ashland and Mil..."

My anger began to brew once I realized Jeremy had completely ignored my directions. He was now merging onto the 290 expressway going in the opposite direction.

"Jeremy! Where are you going! You're gonna make us late!" I shouted, unable to contain my emotions.

"Don't worry about it, I gotta make a quick stop."


Not once did he look in my direction nor did he care about my emotional outburst. Instead, he pressed his foot on the accelerator. We were now going a whopping going 90 mph in a 45 mph construction zone. He bobbed and weaved through traffic until I had no idea where we were.


"As I said, don't worry about it," he repeated calmly. "You ain't gonna need no doctor today..."

"...and what the hell is THAT supposed to mean?" I said, now sobbing uncontrollably.

"You must really think I'm playin' with you don't you?"

"Clearly I'm not playin' right now dumbass! Now pull over and let me out, RIGHT NOW! RIGHT HERE ON THE SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY!"

"Girl! Just sit back and relax already."

My mind began racing as I was contemplating my next move— his move too! The relationship was unquestionably over now more than ever, and there was certainly no turning back at this point. I was frozen with fear just thinking about what was about to happen next. The only thing on my mind other than escaping was my poor baby. I prayed to God that after Jeremy was done being stupid, I would be able to pick him up from daycare on time.

"Alright girl, don't feed into his bulls**t," I began rehearsing to myself over and over. "He wants to see you upset and asking questions. Don't give him the satisfaction!"

Twenty minutes had passed, and it was obvious that we were no longer in the Chicagoland area. Just to keep track of where we were, I began taking mental notes of all the street signs. Unfortunately, the further we drove, the more panicky I became, and the more I forgot everything I vowed to remember. Finally, he took an exit.

"You're awfully quiet over there," he teased.

"It doesn't matter what you do or what you say anymore, Jeremy. I'm sooooo done with you!"

"Glad to hear you say that! Just know, if I can't have you nobody can. So, since this is how you want it, I'm about to take you to a place where your body can't be found and no one can hear you scream."

"Yeah, whatever Jeremy. I don't give a F**K what you do!"


"Yeah, okay," I mocked. Still trying not to give him the reaction he was looking for.

"I know the type of woman you are, so you didn't have to tell me it's over. I mean come on, after finding out about Jada I knew you were gonna leave me anyway. I told you she meant nothing to me, but you didn't listen. I did it for US though baby! Too bad you were all hugged up on that n***a back at the college."

"Well, as long as you know," I said rolling my eyes. He laughed.

"Keep thinking all of this is a joke. I'm about to show you better than I can tell you...He's next."

"Listen, that little calm voice you got goin' on doesn't move me, okay! You didn't have to bring me all the way out here to prove some POINTLESS point."

"Any song requests?" He asked, ignoring me once again to turn up the radio. I cut my eyes in absolute hatred and disgust.

The car finally began to slow down at a red light, so I smoothly unbuckled my seatbelt. The plan was to jump out as soon as we made it to a complete stop and run for my life. Despite never looking at me, he grabbed my wrist in a death grip and told me to calm down when I tried to snatch it away.

"Listen to me very carefully. Don't look now, but to your immediate right is a police car. Do not do anything that will draw attention to us or I will blow you mother f***in' brains out right here and now. It will be so bad, that you're going to need a closed casket or a goddamn cremation. Do you understand me, b***h?"

I refused to respond.

"Good girl. Now, I'm going to reach over you and help you put back on your seatbelt, don't move and continue looking forward!" He said. "...and hey, it's okay to smile. I'm gonna miss that pretty smile of yours."

Silent tears began to stream down my cheeks, as I finally realized this wasn't a game or a drill. Jeremy was dead ass serious...

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