Chapter 64

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"Really Spencer! I know you're there! Quit being so dramatic!" I huffed. "You're the one who brought up the idea anyway!"

"I know...I know..." He voiced through a modest whisper, while his audible smile contrarily boomed through the receiver.

"Well, anyway...I'm gonna need your help with the move. I don't have a lot stuff to take, so everything can be done in one trip..."

"Ok," he said still smiling from ear to ear.

"Ugh, I don't have time for this!" I retorted laughingly. "Just be here tomorrow around 11...matter of fact, make it 10 am, cool?"

Just like that, the conversation was over. There was no real direction regarding my unplanned overture, but it felt like a solid move considering the fact that everything else in my life was happening so spontaneously. Although things were advancing in this manner, somehow it all smoothly fell into place.

"New place, new me!" I exhaled as I began to separate and pack. "This...this is good..."

Thanks to the helpful assistance of Abi and Leah who showed up halfway though the process, packing took a little over three hours. While Leah was fully aware of the urgent circumstances surrounding the move, Abi, on the other hand, had difficulty accepting and understanding any part of it. Feeling that she was too young to hear the details, I simply explained that it was time for me to go, and that she was more than welcome to come over whenever she wanted. Furthermore, because baby Jamal was leaving in a weeks time, I let her know that I would be all alone and needed her company more than ever. This seemed to pacify her mounting objections so we left it as that.

The rest of the night was spent playing family games until 2 in the morning. Having such a good time with everyone made my last day emotionally difficult. Despite the recent bad memories, I could only think about the fun times and how much I would miss their company. Even more, the help they gave me with Jamal when I needed them most was more than I could ask. So, from that point until the time we went to bed, every moment was cherished.

* * * * * *

As I snuggled into bed, it didn't take long to fall under a sweet slumber. I soon found myself in unfamiliar company at a masquerade party. The mysterious vibe and melodious tune of synthesized wood-wind instruments carried me away for the moment. It was a grand and dazzling scene indeed. Although I blended well, I still didn't belong.

In the far end of the congested room, I found what I was looking available exit. The room certainly wasn't as long as the walk felt, but with both hands extended and joined I eagerly pushed my way through two oversized wooden double doors. The outside corridor was void of life except two, and the mounting silence between us both became insufferable. The figure took one small step toward me as I lifted my gown and took a large step back. The pattern repeated once more until my back hit against the doors.
"Well, here we are..." the familiar man contended with a high spirited confidence. "Have you forgotten about me? Did you think for one second that I would have forgotten about YOU?" He laughed.

My mouth was so dry that I couldn't scream let alone gather enough spit to swallow. Looming panic began to envelope my senses with a crushing presentiment. There was nowhere to turn, and my failure to respond enraged him greatly. The man quickly advanced. I closed my eyes, then braced for the inevitable. A cold, hard blow to the face and had me seeing stars. The pain quickly subsided, but the flash of lights never went dim...instead, I awoke to blinding rays of sunlight in my eyes and the shocking sight of Spencer in my room...

"It's moving day!" He exclaimed.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME TO LET ME KNOW YOU WERE ON YOUR WAY?" I responded annoyingly. The whole situation reminded me of Jeremy. "What time is it anyway?

"I did!" he said defensively, and threw me my phone. "Seven times! it's almost told me to be here by 10. Are we doing this or not?"

Because I was so eager to finish the move, I gathered my thoughts and quickly got myself together. It wasn't Spencer's fault that I was so ill prepared so to apologize, I promised to treat him to a nice dinner at the new crib. 

The entire move plus shopping for household items was completed by 3 pm. Everything had gone smoothly, but I could tell that Tionna was starting to take the separation pretty hard. She hung around a lot longer than she normally would and even requested to keep baby Jamal for one last time since he would be leaving soon. I reluctantly accepted, due to the mounting pressure of her relentless request. 

When they left, Spencer and I were finally alone. I didn't know what I was feeling, but I noticed him looking at me...differently. It was a lustful look that shook me to my core. Without hesitation or words, he pulled me in close and went in for a kiss...

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