Chapter 51

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After the stun of hearing my voice on the line, a brief moment of silence ensued before Jada at last responded.

"Sure, let's chat," she hesitantly agreed. "I'm actually not surprised you answered his phone. But, before I say anything else, I wanna make sure I know who it is that I'm speaking with?"

"Girl, let's just save time and cut to the chase because you know exactly who I am! Everyone calls me Shi Shi," I stated matter of factly. "I'm not here to stir up drama or anything. In fact, my goal at the end of the day is to gain both clarity and closure...woman to woman..."

"Good...and I'm fine with that, cause I need to let you know a couple of things since we're talkin'."

"Like what?" I retorted, not knowing whether I was genuinely prepared to receive what was about to be revealed. "Well clearly you two spent the night together since you have his phone so early in the may think he's your man exclusively, but he's been back with me for a little over a month now and frequently spends the night at my house...I might even be pregnant with..."

"Jada, Jada, Jada," I interrupted. "Baby girl, I don't want him. As a matter of fact, you can have his crazy ass...and I mean that from the bottom of my heart! Just promise you'll keep him away from me moving forward!"

"Nah, I'm good on that. I don't want him either! Just tell him to give me back all the money I spent on his stupid ass...that and my car.... I want both, TODAY!"

"Car? What car?"

"My Malibu!"

"Is it blue?"

"Yep! Tell his bum ass to run me my s**t! All of it!

My unruly laughter immediately provoked Jada to fall silent again. At this point, it was clear she was beyond upset-- reasonably so, of course.

"Well, I don't know anything about any money because we don't have that type of relationship. He actually spends all his money on ME, not the other way around...but, just so you're aware, your car is parked in front of my house right now. Funny thing is though...he told me that car belonged his friend Blu, which is obviously just another lie. Either way, you're more than welcome to pick it up whenever because he won't be dropping it off anytime soon. His ass got locked up last night."

"Locked up for what?" She said, seemingly concerned and taken by surprise. 

"Cause he put his hands on me and I don't play that s**t!"

"YOU TOO! GIRRRL!" She voiced jokingly, ultimately doing away with her cattiness and lightening the mood. "This is some new s**t to me! He may be doing drugs I think because when we dated for two years back in high school, he was never violent like he is now. We only broke up because I moved away. Then, a little over a month ago I randomly bumped into him at a gas station and we've been talking ever since," Jada explained. "I know he recently lost his job, so I've been taking care of him not knowing you were his girlfriend all this time. He actually told me he's been trying to get away from you, but you keep calling, stalking, and won't leave him alone."

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" I rolled my eyes dismissively.

"I know, I know...he drove my car to your none of what he said makes sense. Jeremy is obviously a compulsive liar. Is it true that you're pregnant though? He called you baby mama the last time we spoke..."

"Unfortunately, yes, but not for long. As I said, you can have him for good. You'll just need to bail him out first," I laughed.

"No," She said deeply exhaling. "Jeremy's no good for me. He put his hands on me before he left my house a couple of days ago. Like...he literally flipped the f**k out and beat my ass like I was a man! He blocked every exit, closed all the blinds and curtains in my house, then opened the gas line on my stove and threatened to blow us up. I begged for him to stop because my daughter was right there watching. When he pulled out a lighter, I was so sure he was gonna do it! I thought I was about to die!"

"NO!" I gasped in complete shock.

"Yes! I was crying, my daughter was crying then out of nowhere he started crying too! After he whooped my ass then apologized for it, he took the car key off my key ring and left! Thank God I have two cars!

"Yeah, he did that whole...weird 'crying act' with me too...did you at least call the police?"

"To be honest with you, I didn't. I was just happy he was gone, you know. I called my husband to let him know what happened though so he could take our daughter for a while..."

"You called who?"

"My husband..." Jada repeated casually.

Hold up! Wait...wait...let me get this straight...YOU'RE MARRIED!" I shouted, almost choking on my own spit. "What type of weird game do Y'all have me involved in!" I demanded. 

With no immediate answer yielded, I only heard Jada wildly laughing on the other end.

"This b***h is crazy too...I want out!"

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