20: Fear

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[TW: A slight hint of Blasphemy]

❝She's a terrified little creature

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She's a terrified little creature. 

Like she's more afraid of the past than of the future.


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Ari rarely watches television. Not that there's anything worthy to watch anyways. The news are the same, it doesn't make anyone feel better. Variety shows are not interesting, at least to Ari, there are a lot of variety shows in the television these days. But then one day Sangwoo told her to turn on the television.

"Why?" She asked, hugging her knees as she sat on the couch while Sangwoo stood in front.

"Because I'm going somewhere Ari, you might get bored."

"I won't get bored."

She watched as Sangwoo rolled his eyes as he brushed his hair back, the gesture of someone who is clearly annoyed and Ari wanted to see how he'll snap. Will he kill her if she's annoying? She never thought about it. She doesn't even know how to annoy people and that's probably the only reason why people didn't mind her. She ignores them.

"Just turn the damn television on and wait for me to come back Ari. Don't kill yourself," Sangwoo said and threw the remote control on the couch near Ari.

She just shrugged her shoulders and averted her eyes from Sangwoo's retreating figure to the television. He heard the front door slammed close and Ari turned the volume on. Sometimes silence isn't good for Ari. Too much silence and she could practically hear her thoughts and she doesn't want to listen to the voices for now. She's having her fair share of fun with Sangwoo, so to speak. So why cut the interlude short?

Ari found a variety show. After ten minutes, she gets bored and changed the channel. For about forty minutes that's what Ari did. Changing the channels, watching a show for ten minutes before she gets bored and then she would change the channel again.

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