16: Dead Stars

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❝Though her soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light

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Though her soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light.

She has loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.


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Ari is perfectly aware that there are certain rules in this world that an individual must follow. Those set of rules called laws that once or twice broken might get a free ticket to jail for twenty four hours to a lifetime.

But what does Ari know about those anyways? She's broken laws and there are people who does and are worse than her. But then one day, Sangwoo just suddenly opened up a certain topic.

"We need to set rules Ari," he said one time when they were in the bathtub. It was right after Ari and Sangwoo went outside, with Ari taking photos of dead animals and meeting that old lady across the street.

"Rules? Do we need them?" Ari asked, popping out a bubble from the water as Sangwoo leaned in.

"Yes, Ari, we need to establish rules."


And Sangwoo started to explain about the essence of rules and laws in general. Until he realized Ari is more interested in bursting bubbles than listening to Sangwoo's boring explanation, so he cleared his throat and abruptly stopped talking for a second.

"So, Ari," he started again. "Since you will be going outside often, I need you to remember and follow these rules."

Ari hummed in response, urging him to continue.

"Do you remember the lampost we saw earlier?" Sangwoo asked.

"The one near the house with a red fence?"

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