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Aen felt a bit anxious while they were inside the mall since people kept looking their way. It wasn't helping that they were speaking Korean so she was afraid someone might notice who he is and cause a scene.

Although she won't allow anyone to hurt him and is ready to fight to protect him, she knows that once she's hurt as well, Yoongi would also risk his safety just to protect her. So she hopes no one would try to mob them.

Before buying the gifts, they first went to the currency exchange counter to change some cash from won to pesos which they will use for their two-day trip to Aen's hometown.

After they successfully bought the gifts, they also bought some groceries since she was not sure if there are stuff they needed that can't be bought in her place so they had to buy it here in the mall just in case.

They also bought some light snacks for them and the driver to eat and drink while traveling.

Once done, they ask for help from some of the staff in the mall to help them carry all the things they bought to the van outside the parking lot.

When the driver saw them, he opens the back of the van to place the things they bought and afterwards they gave some tips to the staffs for helping them.

Once seated in the van, Aen felt relief since they survived at the mall without getting smothered by people who know Yoongi.

"You okay?"

"Yeah... I'm just glad no one mobbed us. I really don't want you to get hurt."

"Ohhh? What would you do if we did?"

"I would protect you of course. I won't let anyone hurt you here under my watch."

Yoongi chuckled.

"Is that so?"

Aen nodded and Yoongi pats her head as he looks at her lovingly.

"I'll be in your care then."

Aen blushes and burrows her face in Yoongi's chest.

"O-of course. I'll take good care of you like always."


Aen looks up to see the driver had gotten inside his seat.

"Ma'am, okay na... Larga na ta? (Ma'am, everything is okay/set. Should we go now?)"

"Cge Yah... (Okay Mister)"

(A/N: In the Philippines, instead of Mister or Sir, you can call the driver - "Mama/Mamang" in Tagalog or "Manong/Col/Kuya" in Bisaya. Aen used 'Yah' [also Ya] which is a short version of 'Kuya' when she addressed the driver.)

The driver gave a thumbs up and he started the engine.

And Aen suddenly sits up and looks out the window. She feels excited and a little bit nervous since she hasn't been home for almost 2 years now.

Yoongi smiles as he looks at her and puts his head on her shoulder. He intertwines their hands as he looks out the window as well.




"Just a bit nervous..."


"I... I haven't been home for almost 2 years... I... don't know what to expect from suddenly coming home."

"I'm sure they'll be surprised."

"They will be. This trip is unexpected after all."

Just A Few Numbers AwayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora