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"Hello. Are you Miss Aen's Friend?"

"Who... Who is this? Why do you have Aen's phone?"

Yoongi is starting to panic.

"Ahh... I'm a bartender from Bar Imbibe. Miss Aen is a frequent customer here and currently, she's very wasted. Could you please pick her up?"

Somehow, upon hearing what the bartender said, Yoongi feels slightly relieved.

He felt worried when it wasn't Aen who answered the call and was afraid she had gotten herself into a terrible accident.

"I-I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Okay. Thank you."

After the call ended, Yoongi throws his phone on the bed and hastily changes his clothes.

Then he picks it up again and searches for the bar's location.

After finding out where it is located, he looks for his keys and as soon as he found them, he practically runs out of his apartment.


When he went inside the bar, he carefully looks around until a bartender waved at him and pointed at Aen who has her head down at the bar counter.

He carefully approaches her and the bartender hands Aen's phone to him.

"Thank you for coming to pick her up. I was afraid she'd go home by herself. I'm not sure what happened but she usually doesn't drink like this until she gets this wasted."

Yoongi nods.

"Has she paid for the drinks yet?"

"She already did."

"I see. What kind of drinks did she have?"

"Usually she orders 2-3 bottles of soju. But tonight she ordered more drinks like shots of vodka, tequila, and a bottle of beer.

She is wasted.

Yoongi thinks as she looks at Aen. Then he gently shakes her.



"It's... It's time to go home."

Aen lifts her head and squints her eyes at Yoongi.


Yoongi nods but Aen shakes her head.

"I can'tttttt. It's tooo farrrrrrrr."

"T-then I'll give you a ride. Come on."

"Realllllyyyy? Do you have a... a planeeeee???"

"Ehh? Uhm... n-no but... I have a car."

"A... car? That... that won'tttt dooo... The Philippines is... we... need to cross oceannssss... We'll drownnn... I don'tttt wanna dieee yet..."


So that's what she meant by home.

Yoongi internally chuckles. He finds drunk Aen amusing but then she started crying and Yoongi apologizes to the other customers for causing a scene.

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