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After Yoongi dropped Aen off at her apartment, she took a shower and then gather up the things she needed for her brief stay at Yoongi's apartment.

A little while later she took a taxi to get back to his apartment.

After settling her things, she then rummages through his refrigerator to cook herself some lunch.

Then during lunch time, Yoongi called her to ask if she had returned to his apartment and if she had eaten lunch yet to which she responds both questions with a 'yes'.

He told her not to try and cook anything for dinner since he was taking her out to eat at a restaurant.

And later that night, after Yoongi went home to change his clothes, then they both went out.

To Aen's surprise, Yoongi brought her to the little restaurant that he and the boys frequent during their rookie days.

And upon realizing that fact, Aen suddenly panics.

"T-this place... I-is it okay for us... f-for you... to be... uhm... seen here? W-with me?"

Yoongi gently strokes Aen's hair to calm her down.

"It's okay... So don't worry. To be honest, I... uh... I've always wanted to... bring you here..."

"R-really? Why?"

"Because this place is really special to me."

And Aen blushes at that.

"I... I see... Y-you and the guys eat frequently here before... and s-since you're the expert on... w-what good food to order here... I... I'll be in your care then..."

Yoongi chuckled.


They went inside and luckily there weren't many customers yet. When the owner saw us, she instantly recognizes Yoongi.

"Omo! (Oh my!) Is that? Is that really you Yoongi-sshi?"

"Y-yes, Ajumma..."

"Aigoo... It's been a long time since you last visited... Come... Come... Sit here..."

"Ah... Yes... Thank you..."

"Are you alone? Where are the others? Ohh? Who?"

Her eyes suddenly sparkled when she saw Aen with Yoongi and he introduces her to the kind old woman.

"The others didn't come with me today. Instead, I'm with this beautiful lady."

And Aen blushes again.

"She's my soulmate, Ajumma."


And Aen bowed down to show respect to the old woman.

"Ohhh... Hello, My dear..."

She slightly bows her head as well.

"Indeed she is truly beautiful. A perfect match I might add. I am truly happy for you. Ahh! This calls for a celebration! Soju is on the house!"


The other customers yell after hearing that Soju is free.


"A-Ajumma... that's t-"

"And you can't pay for that young man. Are we clear?"

"Y-yes, ma'am..."

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