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After Aen had calmed down, Yoongi called Manager Sejin again. He apologizes for ending their call in such a manner and politely request to schedule a meeting with Bang PD-nim at the office around 1 in the afternoon together with the boys and Aen.

After the call, he sent a message to the boys through their group chat about the said meeting.

He was really glad that the guys have been very happy and supportive of him when he told them about his relationship with Aen.

Everything is going smoothly except for Aen's hesitation which he needs to dissipate.

"Do I really need to go with you?"

Aen kept on asking him.

"Is it really okay for me to go with you?"

"Aen-nah... I need you to be there..."

"But I'm worried they won't like someone like me..."

"Jagi (Baby), what nonsense are you talking?"


Aen looks taken aback.

Yoongi has never called her that. In fact... Not even her ex called her that.


Yoongi says as he realizes what he just said.

"Ohh... ahh... uhmm... I..."

He scratches the back of his head and is slightly blushing.

"Am I... not allowed... to call you that?"

Aen blushes hard but she shakes her head.

"Ohhh?? It's... okay?"

Aen nods.

"I just... it's the first time... someone has called me that? So... I'm not... I wasn't... mentally prepared..."

And she burrows her face in her hands.

Then Yoongi chuckles.

"I guess... we'll both... uh... get used to it in time. If it's any consolation to you Aen-nah, you're the first person I... uh... called with such endearment."


Then they look into each other's eyes and they both laugh lightly.


Aen was feeling very anxious the moment they stepped inside the building.

The people looked at the two of them curiously, some even tried to gossip while looking at them.

Yoongi on the other hand keeps on assuring her as he clasped their hands together.

When they reach the floor where the meeting will be held, Yoongi lets Aen sit down on a bench to calm her down. Her nerves are suddenly skyrocketing since they're just a few steps away from the meeting room.

"Aen-nah... It's going to be fine. You have to calm down."

"I... I know... B-but... Yoon... What if... What if I messed up?"

"You're not. You'll be fine. I'm here with you. We're only going to clarify our relationship to them first before we tell it to the whole world."

"B-but... What if... they don't... approve of me? Of us?"

"Don't worry. They will. I already told the boys."

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