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When Aen woke up, she finds herself on the bed inside the plane.

She remembers that after the sweet kiss they had, Yoongi gave her another surprise.

One of the crew approaches them with a small birthday cake in hand.

Yoongi takes it and holds it for Aen as they sing a happy birthday to her. She then makes a wish and blew out the candles.

They ate some and after that, the crew takes it for safekeeping.

A few minutes passed and Aen feels tired. She then lays her head on Yoongi's shoulder and fell asleep to his humming.

He must've moved her here afterward.

She turns around and finds Yoongi asleep on the seat beside the bed.

She sits up and looks at him fondly.

The bed was big enough for the two of them and yet he chose not to sleep beside her.

Even before they got together, Yoongi had never once crossed the line when she stayed at his apartment, and even now that they're together, whenever she's with him she always feels respected, safe, and protected around him.

It's kind of endearing unlike her past relationship, where she feels everything was rushed and their relationship is based according to his ex's wants.

Right now, everything is different, maybe because they're soulmates or maybe because she and Yoongi just cherish each other equally.

When Yoongi wakes up, he sees Aen looking at him fondly.

"Morning, Yoon."

Yoongi smiled at her.

"Good morning birthday girl. Did you have a good sleep?

"I did. Thank you for carrying me here."

And she pats the bed.

"And you? Did you sleep well? You should've just slept on the bed. It's big enough for the two of us."

Yoongi leans closer to her and kisses her on the cheek.

"Don't worry. I slept well. Besides, I want you to sleep comfortably here since it's a long flight."

"Ohhh... Are we still far?"

Yoongi checks the time and smiles.

"Ahh... No... We'll arrive soon."


Aen asked excitedly.

"Yeah.. so let's have breakfast first."



As soon as Aen sets her foot on the ground, she stretches and looks around for a bit and feels something odd.

The place somehow feels awfully familiar to her and as she looks around again, she widens her eyes as she spots something.

She clutches her chest as she feels her heartbeat start to increase.

Then when she sees more familiar things, it finally clicks to her where Yoongi took her for her birthday.

She looks back at Yoongi to ask and sees him smiling at her.

"Yoon... W-where... Where are we?"

"Where do you think are we Jagi?"

"T-this place is... it's... it's an hour... away from home..."

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