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(A/N: Yoongi's flashback)

6,504,960 steps.

Those were the numbers I saw written on my wrist as soon as I woke up on my 22nd birthday.

March 9, 2015.

It was the day I dreaded the most.

I guess when your 21st birthday comes (it's the 22nd in Korea), it's the day some people tend to celebrate cause finally they will be able to see how near or far their soulmate is.

Well, as for me, it was the opposite and has made me feel anxious for days.

It's not like I hate the idea of having a soulmate. Sure, I'd like to meet that person if only I was under normal circumstances. But being an idol is different. Even if Bang PD-nim, doesn't care if we got into relationships, the 7 of us decided to focus on our careers first.

That's why when those numbers showed up on my wrist. I somehow felt relieved. The person, my soulmate is 6 million steps far away from me.

It must be a good sign then. I won't be able to worry about it for the time being was what I thought.

Days, weeks, months, and a year passed by and the numbers on my wrist barely kept changing even when I go out of the country for our tour. So, I didn't pay much attention to it.


It was the day before the concert, July 29, 2016. As soon as we arrived at the airport, our fans were waiting there and cheering for us. We were then escorted to our hotel to rest.

In the hotel, I shared a room with Jin-hyung. After we ordered room service, he took a shower first. So, while waiting for my turn, I set up my laptop so I could do some work while waiting.

After some time, our room service arrived and Jin-hyung got out of the shower in time. He told me he was done and that I should hurry up so we can eat together.

I nodded and went to take off my watch before going to the shower and that's when I noticed it.


You've got to be kidding me was what I thought.

I closed my eyes and shake my head. I'm probably not seeing the numbers right.

But when I opened my eyes again and looked at my wrist, it was the same.

I then started to feel anxious. This can't be happening. I tried to calm down and convinced myself. It's still a million steps but it's the first time I had seen such numbers go down from 6 million to 1 million. I started sweating a lot. I keep thinking that I shouldn't let this get to me. We have a concert tomorrow.

A tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality. I looked at hyung and he has this worried expression. He ask me if something was wrong and if I was okay.

I told him I just felt anxious for a bit but I'll be fine. He also asked me if it was about the numbers on my wrist and I nodded. He must have seen me looking at my wrist for a few minutes. So I just told him about it, about how far my soulmate is, and that it shocked me to see those numbers.

He then smiled at me. He told me to calm down and that I really shouldn't worry about my soulmate since the person is still a bit far from me. He also said that if I'm not ready to meet that person, then I shouldn't.

Because of what hyung said, I finally calmed down. He then told me to relax and take a shower so we can finally eat together.

I nodded and went to take a shower to ease my mind. We have a concert tomorrow. I should focus on that. I shouldn't stress myself because of it.

After some time, we successfully finished the tour. Then we prepared for another comeback and it was very successful as well. We even won our first daesang in MMA 2016 and then we won another one in MAMA 2016.

We're finally achieving our dreams one by one. We also attended other events in South Korea as well, and then Christmas and New Year passed by.

We were told that because of our successful comeback. We will be having another world tour to promote our latest album.

The 2017 BTS Live Trilogy Episode III (Final Chapter): The Wings Tour will start on Hoseok's Birthday and will be held at Gocheok Sky Dome. Upon hearing it, we became speechless. We can't believe that it's happening since it was a dream of ours to perform on that dome and now it's finally happening.

But as soon as they gave us the tour dates. I felt a little uneasy again since Manila is also included. Jin-hyung looked at me and I gave him a reassuring smile. He must have seen me tense up a bit. I told him that I'm okay and not to worry.

Yes, I don't need to worry. What happened last time might have been a coincidence. I won't let it bother me. I'll be fine.


This chapter is dedicated to:

DanielaMtz572 💙 ghghghgh79 💜 swatijha867 🤎 qtaes__ 🖤 Lisarrika 🤍 Hopeleaf1 ❤ and Ashton_Dreamer_13 🧡


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