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James rolled to the other side of the bed for more comfort as he thought of his conversation with Charlotte and Newt earlier that day.

Newt had told him he was sure he made no mistake in the contact details of Mr Grunger, but James didn't believe. He would just have to go see Mr Grunger without an invitation. That was no big deal for a detective.

'Newt should just start doing his job better, he thought with an eye roll.

Back to Charlotte, she mentioned a lot of information which were similar to what he had already gathered, which made them almost true. That meant that something had happened to Lily Pretty Plugger that no one really knew. They only had speculations.

With all these in mind, it meant that there was a possibility that Lily Plugger wasn't entirely innocent in the cause of her death. The thought alone made James' stomach hurt. He rolled to the other side of the bed and made a mental note to change his bed mattress. It didn't seem comfortable anymore.

Another thing James noticed but couldn't exactly put in words was the way Charlotte talked to him. He was a detective. He could detect these things. The only problem was that James couldn't exactly decipher what was different or wrong.

'Well', he thought to himself as he finally found a suitable sleeping position, 'if it didn't get in the way of work, he didn't care. '

And with that last thought, James finally drifted off to sleep.

If only he knew...

James sighed in his seat. He had been waiting for almost 10 minutes now. He wasn't a patient man and didn't like to be kept waiting. Although he had flashed his ID, he still wasn't considered important apparently since he was still sitting down here.

'Hold that thought', he told himself as the sour-looking receptionist approached him, 'finally'... Or so he thought.

Urgh, he would be here for quite a while. His mind drifted back to the sour-looking receptionist. He always thought it was a stereotype, but he was wrong. All receptionists are just always so sad.

If all mothers were sweet like everyone claimed, whose mothers were those at the reception, he chuckled to himself.

Well, sour or not, at least they still had mothers. He quickly shook the thought out of his mind. Now was not the time.

"Detective? "He looked up to see the sour-looking receptionist. It was even worse up close, "Mr Light is ready to see you now. Right this way. "

"Thank you," he replied.

He opened the glass double-sided door to see a man in his early twenties. He had a lollipop in his mouth, but the room reeked of cigarettes.

"Detective Anderson, Macy said you wanted to see a few of our workers, but you'll have to go through me first, you see," he said, adding a light chuckle to the end.

James returned it and said, "I understand Mr Light."

"So to what do I owe this visit? "

"I'm sure you must have by now heard on the news about the unjust killing of a reputable citizen here in East Wings a few days ago, Miss Lily Plugger. "

"Oh yes, I've heard of it all right, sad thing they did to her. She didn't deserve it, such a bright and promising future ahead of her. Met her once at a party about 4 years ago. Lovely lady. Sad what happened to her. If you ask me, life isn't fair. It always takes away the best people from us. "

James nodded in agreement and continued, "We know that the estate Miss Plugger lived in was guarded by security agents from your agency, which brings me here today. I need to speak to Mr Grunger, the head of the security unit in that estate, and that is why I'm here today, Mr Light. "

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