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"Yes I will be at the station this morning," Officer Matthew said.

"Alright thank you. Detective Anderson and I will be there," Charlotte responded.

She called Officer Matthew early that morning to ensure that he would be at the station. She needed to speak to him about the evidence they found yesterday.

She got dressed as usual and started buttering her bread to be toasted. She was excited to make toast this morning not because she particularly enjoyed the meal but because she finally replaced her toaster. On her way home yesterday,  she finally decided to get a new toaster. She was long due for a new one anyways.

The toaster was really great and it brightened her day up. She drove to work listening to upbeat music. She really hoped that everything that was happening would eventually make sense one way or the other.


When she got to work, she saw James at Newt's workstation with a cup of coffee talking to him.

"Yeah, but I'm not done yet. I said by tomorrow,  I didn't say what time," she heard Newt say as she came within earshot.

"Fine. Just let me know when you have it," James responded.

"Kay," Newt replied.

"Hey," Charlotte said as she got to Newt's station.



"So I spoke to Officer Matthew on my way here and he said he'll be here this morning," Charlotte said to James

"Alright then. Please let me know when he's here. I'll be in my office. I have to catch up on some stuff," James replied then made his way to his office after Charlotte nodded in the affirmative.


"Come in please," Charlotte said to the person on the other side of her door that just knocked.

"Detective Charlotte.  Officer Matthew," a tall dark-skinned policeman said to Charlotte as he entered her office.

Charlotte knew him (though not familiarly) and wondered why he felt the need to reintroduce himself but she decided not to comment on it.

"Oh morning Officer," Charlotte responded.

"You said you saw 3 cameras at the house?" He asked.

"4 actually," Charlotte corrected, "but before we continue this conversation, let me quickly inform my partner that you're here so that we can all be kept in the loop."

"Alright," Officer Matthew responded as Charlotte picked up her phone to inform James.

"We found one first in her bedroom and then brought it to the station for Newt to work on it cos turns out it was encrypted. Then we came back to the house, checked again and found 3 more. I found 3 upstairs and Detective Anderson found one downstairs," Charlotte said as soon as she dropped the call.

"I'm aware that everywhere was thoroughly searched. In fact, when my partner and I came to the crime scene earlier,  we did our search of the place and didn't find any cameras then," Charlotte continued.

"But when we..." Charlotte started but was cut off by James entering her office.

"Hello Officer," James said to Officer Matthew.

"Hello Detective, " he responded.

"So like I was saying, when we arrived at the house, everywhere we found the cameras were empty which just goes to show that they had been previously searched and emptied by the officers on scene," Charlotte said although it sounded more of a question than a statement.

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