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The phone call Charlotte received yesterday while she was in James' office had her tossing and turning on her bed all night. It was from Sonia, her best friend. Apparently, her ex fiance, Dean, was getting married in two days' time. She couldn't believe it, he had told her that he needed time to figure his life out and a month later he's getting married. She was beyond devastated.

As she walked into the station, she suddenly felt grateful for her job. It was a great distraction from her miserable life.

" Is Timothy here yet?"She said to the officer at the front desk, a pretty lady with a lot of piercings.
"Nope," the lady replied.

"Alright, tell him to come to my office when he gets here," Charlotte said as she walked away.

She faintly heard the lady reply, 'Will do' before she was out of hearing range.

"Hey Newt. Early morning?"

" Yeah, I'm still working on the Dennis Twins case,"

" Jesus, they haven't caught them already?"

"I'm pretty sure you'd have known if they have."

"Ha ha. I'll be in my office."


Charlotte sighed and dropped down into her chair. She made them give her rolling chairs. She was still a child in her heart, and she knew it. She rolled around a little, then stopped when she started getting dizzy.

She brought out the toast from her bag, unwrapped it, and then pulled out her phone. Sonia had been blowing up her phone all night after she went blank and hung up on her.

After apologizing to Sonia for about 10 minutes. She started scrolling through Instagram and sniggering every once in a while. Her page consisted mostly of memes because that was what she liked.

"Sorry I'm late ma'am," Timothy said with an apologetic look.

"Did you knock?"Charlotte said as she looked up from stalking her celebrity crush on Instagram. The actor who played Derek Hale in Teen Wolf.
Charlotte didn't really like the series in itself, but she finished it because she hated not finishing whatever she started.

"Yes ma'am, about five times."

Charlotte sighed and said, "Let's get going. We're late already anyway."

Charlotte and Timothy were on their way to Mr Plugger's house to get a sketch of the man Mr Plugger saw in Lily's house the other day.


"Do you need help?"Charlotte said to Timothy as she closed the car door.

"No, thanks. I've got it. "

Charlotte nodded as they walked up the few steps to Mr Plugger's door.

"Mr Plugger will be with you soon," said the same lady that attended to Charlotte the last time she was here.

"Okay, thank you,"

About ten minutes later, Mr Plugger arrived.

"Good morning, Detectives."

"Morning," Charlotte and Timothy responded simultaneously.

"Last time we spoke Mr Plugger, you told me about the man you met in Lily's house a month before. I want you to describe the man as best as you can so that Officer Timothy can draw him and we can get an idea of his physical appearance."Charlotte said.

"Okay, no problem. I have a good memory when it comes to people."

"Alright, sir, please describe his general appearance for me."

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