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James sighed as he watched Tami leave the restaurant, dealing with grieving people after a murder was the part of his job he didn't like. There were the angry grievers, the crying grievers, the in denial grievers, and so on. It was never easy dealing with them.

He looked at his notes again, Tami had cried for about 10 minutes before he was finally able to get some words out of her. She told him that Lily was home earlier than normal, which was 7 pm, and she always came home later than that.

"I had gone to sleep early since Miss Lily was home on time. I didn't hear a thing until Mrs Fringe came knocking on my door. If there was some scuffling, I would have heard. I didn't even hear her scream for help", she had said, then used the back of her hand to clean her running nose and her wet eyes, sniffed and proceeded to drink coffee, "It was quiet, too quiet, I sleep on the ground floor, I shoulda heard something. I don't think there was some argument and scuffle like those police are saying, "

"This was a different side to the story," James thought, but he also thought that since Lily had been thrown through the window and Tami didn't hear. It was either Tami was a deep sleeper or she was hiding something.

He'd have to speak more with Matthew, the head of the unit that answered the 911 call. He would probably do it tomorrow. He would be stressed by the end of today.

He looked at his watch, it was 5:30 pm, Collins had said he would be here by 6 pm. James involuntarily sighed. He had been here since 9:40, even walking to stretch his legs wasn't working anymore. Tomorrow won't be as stressful, thankfully, he thought. Speaking of tomorrow, he had to call Mr Grunger, the head of the security unit, he needed to know the names of the security men at the gate on the night of July 10, the day Lily Plugged died.

On the third ring, a voice answered.

"Hello," a female voice answered.

"Hello, please, I need to speak to Mr Grunger."

"How may I help you?"

"You don't understand Ma'am, I need to speak to your husband on a personal issue, may I speak with him?"James answered, already assuming the woman was Mr Grunger's wife.

"I am Mr Grunger, not a female, what is your problem?"the voice said.

James hung up. He would have to speak to Newt about being more careful. What kind of stupid prank was this? That was clearly a female voice.

Now, what will he do with his remaining twenty-something minutes before Collins arrives? His eyes fell to his phone, won't hurt to crush some candies for a few minutes....

James looked up in time to see Collins walking, sorry hobbling towards him. He looked in his early fifties or late forties, James thought as he waved him over

"James Anderson," he said, taking Collins' hand.

"Nice to finally meet you detective", Collins said.

"How long have you worked for Miss Plugger?"James said in no mood for chit chat, he just wanted to get home and sleep.

"I worked for Lily for 3 years, fine girl she was, sad what happened to her, really sad", he said frowning, "she was really nice", he continued, "really nice", he said the last part as if he was talking to himself.

"What happened the day of the murder? Did Miss Plugger go anywhere or see someone or something?"

"She went to her place of work, as usual, she finished pretty early that day, I had dropped her off, gone home and the next thing I knew, I was hearing she was murdered."

"You drove her everywhere, isn't that correct?"

"Issnor entirely like that officer, you see I only drove Miss Plugger to work, if she ever wanted to go anywhere else, she always drove herself and need I mention that it happened a lot. Hmm, "he continued almost to himself again, "Miss Plugger is highly secretive."

"What do you mean by that?"James asked.

"That she has sum'n under the rock. A secret, "he said, shrugging.

"And you think that because?"James said.

"Because she was always hiding things," he said and shrugged again.

James almost hit his head on the table because of the man's behaviour. Didn't he understand he was here to answer questions and not just shrug and rule the kingdom of vagueness?

"Is there anything you want to tell me that I have not asked you?"

"Well, Detective, I might not have information on the murder but I might mention a few suspicious things."

"Yeah? Expatiate."

" I already told you she doesn't let me take her everywhere, and she is very secretive. She's always having meetings after work, and she never allows me to take her anywhere apart from work. "

"Where does she work?"

"She owns La cuisine, the biggest restaurant."

"When does she close from work?"

"Around 2 pm every day"

"2 pm? Why does she now get home so late every day?"

"Dunno detective. When Tami once mentioned she got home as late as 10 pm. every day, I was surprised. "

"She gets home at 10 pm every day, but the one day she gets home at 7 pm, she's murdered."

"Sumn's fishy to me."

"Me too,"

"But one question detective. Why wasn't Tami arrested? She was in the house when the murder took place. I mean, Tami's a sweet, sweet girl, and I don't want her rotting in jail for sum'n she didn't do, but she was the only one in the house. A murderer never looks like a murderer. "

"Trust this man to turn your questioning around on you," James thought.

"Tami's a major suspect, I assure you," he said instead.

It was true. He had asked Matthew why Tami wasn't immediately arrested, and Matthew had told him he couldn't just arrest her on no ground. She had been in the house, but there was no proof that she was the killer. They could only arrest her when there was proof, but she was being watched and followed as she was a major suspect.

"Alright then, Detective, if you say so, but I'll advise y'all to keep an eye on that girl. I don't trust, not anymore."he said.

"Thank you for meeting me, Mr Ughr", he had forgotten Collins' last name, "Collins"

"No problem, Detective, need any more information, and you just ring me up, we need to find the bastard that did that horrible thing to that fine lady. Yes, we do, "he said the last part to himself as if he was trying to convince himself or something.

James shook his head, "What a strange man," he thought. He breathed a sigh of relief. He could rest now.

He put his diary in his bag, turned off the sound recorder on his phone, grabbed his keys, and headed to the car. He would go home for a sweet rest, but first, he would go see Newt at the station and afterwards call his partner.

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