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James lay in bed for an hour more after he woke. He just lay there staring at the ceiling. A lot was going through his mind. He wanted so badly for Paul Winfield to go to jail, and he was afraid that something would stop that from happening. James spent that one hour thinking of different loopholes that could come up and what he would do if they did come up.

James eventually became sick of staring at the plain white ceiling and decided to get up and go about his day. He wouldn't be going to the station today despite how badly he wanted to. Paul had contacted his lawyer, who had declared he would be spending the day with his client and would like his client to not be interrogated.

Somehow, he got his request, and this was what worried James about this case. Paul had power in high places and was pulling on strings in every way he could. James was very worried.

James did a quick workout, brushed his teeth, and had his bath. Then he made his way into his living room, but what he saw forced him to stop.

Someone was on his reclined chair watching TV and snacking. He couldn't see the person, but he saw the bottom of the person's feet dangling from the chair.

James immediately grabbed the gun he usually kept in his room and came back to the living room. He approached the person as quietly as he could and pointed the gun at the person who he now realised was a female. But once she spoke, James was even more shocked.



"You shouldn't do things like that. I could have shot you." James said sternly to her.

"Well, in my defence, I thought you'd come out of that room facing me directly," she replied.

"That's the guest bathroom," James replied.


"What do you want, Charlotte?" James finally said.

"I came to apologize," Charlotte replied

"By breaking and entering?" James asked, staring at her unbelieving.

"Well, that part's a bit weird. You're right. But you know,  when you want to apologise, you gotta do something big to show how sorry you are." Charlotte replied.

"And this is your something big?" James asked, wondering if Charlotte was right in the head.

"Yes, it shows the lengths I will go to gain your forgiveness."

"Are you joking right now?" James asked. He wasn't even sure how he was feeling at the moment. It was a mix of emotions, but anger and confusion were definitely there.

"No." Charlotte replied, "Look, I know how it seems, but I felt and still feel very bad about what I did, and I just can't rest till I know you've forgiven me."

"Why Charlotte?" James asked, confused for sure now.

'Because I have feelings for you, and the thought of you being angry at me is unbearable.' Charlotte thought.

But instead, she said, "Because what I did was very wrong and inexcusable. And I feel very bad and I'm so sorry. And I am the kind of person who doesn't rest till a person I've wronged, forgives me, or at least promises to try to forgive me."

James stared at her for a full minute. He was certain Charlotte must be abnormal mentally in some way, but he kind of admired her effort.

"I forgive you." James finally said.

James was a very forgiving person. In his experiences in life, he'd seen the worst and best of people and had quickly come to realise not to judge people solely on the wrong things they do. People are driven by many things in this world that we'll never understand, and that's why he's always ready to forgive those who ask for it.

"Really? Thank you." Charlotte replied, smiling, " And to further confirm this, I'd like us to go out and grab something to eat and maybe get to know each other better."

James was very, very confused. She sounded like she was asking him out on a date, but it seemed she wasn't either. So, in order for James not to look stupid or forward by making an assumption, he simply nodded.

"Great, let me grab my coat. I haven't had anything to eat today anyway."



"This is not a date or anything," Charlotte said as their food was served. "I just wanted us to get to know each other more as friends."

"I'm shocked. I thought I'd found love." James joked, placing in hand on his heart in mock betrayal.

The restaurant they were in was a small one. There were tulips and roses at every table and corner of the building. It had a warm ambience. The owner never let more than 15 people in at once. He wanted the restaurant to be a representation of calm and serenity. It was.

"Ha ha," Charlotte laughed dryly.

"Hmm. The food is good." James commented.

"It is. This is my favourite place to come. Jacob is a friend of my father's, so I'm always allowed in." Charlotte affirmed

"It's absolutely gorgeous. I love the vibe." James replied.

"It's so calm. I just come here to eat and think."

"Who would have known you thought?" James teased.

"Who would have known you joked around a lot?" Charlotte replied.

"Well, all my friends do, and since you're just pining to be one of my friends, I'll have to let you in on that too." He shot back.

"Wow, lucky me," Charlotte replied and rolled her eyes while James chuckled in reply.

"So, Lily..."Charlotte started, unsure of how to continue or if James even wanted her to continue.

"You want to know what happened to end our relationship. "James finished for her.

Charlotte just remained silent and waited for him to continue.

"Well, we broke up. I wasn't well-to-do then, and her mother felt I wouldn't be enough for her. At first, she disagreed with her mother. But later, she...didn't. "James continued.

"That's sad. So now you're sure you can't find love cos she was your one true love. Is that it?" Charlotte asked.

"No. I'm just not ready. I want to close the case first and bring the criminals to justice. That will give me some form of closure. Then I would like to reflect for some time afterwards and ensure I'm not bringing my baggage into any relationship I'm stepping into. You can't hurt people because you're hurt. it's not right."

"I'm guessing this happened recently. "

"Yes. She was great but we couldn't. I knew I'd hurt her.

"Maybe later," Charlotte said, though her heart broke a little.

"Yeah, maybe later," James replied, a faraway look in his eyes.

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