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Her husband being detained for murder was the last thing Mrs Fringe could ever imagine would happen to her.
If someone told her that would happen to her in her lifetime, she would simply laugh.

It was crazy because it all seemed like a badly written cliche psychological crime thriller. Of course, the husband is a murderer and it's the wife that finds the body. Cliche.

She really hoped to God that it wasn't the case. She had known her husband for decades, and she was certain he wasn't a murderer. He was a good man, she was sure of it.

Now, she just had to convince the detectives of that fact, and she hoped she wouldn't have to do it in court.


"You're falsely accusing my husband of murder. Do you realise the repercussions that come with that?"she screamed at James and Charlotte.

"Actually, none. Your husband has too much evidence pointing at him. We have to do our job and ensure he's innocent. Or not. If he's innocent like you say, ma'am, your husband will be released in no time, "James said to Mrs Fringe.

No one prepared him for this. How did she even get inside?

"I'll get a lawyer and sue this whole place for what it's worth! Especially if you're maltreating my husband. Can't I see him, at least?"

James couldn't help but mentally roll his eyes at the whole "suing" talk she had been shouting about since she arrived.

"You can see him. It would be more helpful if you could get him to talk to us, if there's anything he knows that..."Charlotte started before Mrs Fringe cut in.

"He knows nothing!"Mrs Fringe spat while adjusting the straps of her handbag violently on her shoulder, "he's a good man."

"I hope you're right. "Charlotte replied. And she actually did hope Mrs Fringe was right. She was too old to suffer like this. All she wanted for the poor woman was to relocate to a peaceful countryside with her husband and grandchildren.

However, despite how Charlotte felt, it didn't stop her from telling Mrs Fringe this, "Mrs Fringe?"

"What?"the older woman replied.

"Your husband's fingerprints were found in the victim's bedroom, and he was seen entering the house at 10 pm on surveillance. That's the evidence we found. "Charlotte said, then turned away, James had left her with the woman a while ago.

To be honest, Charlotte didn't know why she said what she said. She believed that Mrs Fringe would do the right thing with that piece of information. She hoped, at least. That was the least she could do for the poor woman.

"The real question is what your husband wanted with her?"

"Okay, but even if your husband is 'innocent,' it's a big deal that he was even reported for sexual harassment."

"I told you I saw them together. "

"Does he really love and respect you?"

"He's a big cheat. Believe it or not."

These were some of what Mrs Fringe's friends had told her about her husband, and each time, she had absolutely denied the possibility of her husband cheating.

The last statement hit Mrs Fringe especially hard because that was the reason she stopped talking to her childhood best friend. Her friend told her plainly that her husband was a cheat, and Mrs Fringe refused to believe and instead stopped talking to her friend.

But now, it started to hit Mrs Fringe that it was, in fact, the truth, all these years, they were telling her the truth. And she was blind to it. Tears flowed down her eyes as she sat in the lobby of the police station.

When Charlotte told her the evidence they found in Lily's house, she immediately understood what the detective was saying between the lines. This was the reason she decided to stay in the lobby for a while to decide her next step of action regarding her husband. Or soon-to-be ex-husband.

"You know I didn't do what they're saying, right? I wouldn't hurt a fly. You know me, you know this."Mr Fringe said, looking desperately at his wife.

Mrs Fringe had made up her mind. She was going to divorce this pathetic man in front of her. But first, she would help the police find out if he was truly involved in the young lady's murder in any way.

Detectives James and Charlotte were watching on the other side. She knew this because she went straight to Charlotte and asked what she could do to help make her husband confess if he truly was the murderer. Detective James seemed shocked at her behaviour change, but Detective Charlotte had a knowing look in her eyes. She immediately got to work and gave her a few prompts to get her husband to open up.

"Of course, I know you would never hurt a fly, but the Detectives say they have evidence against you. What evidence do they have? You have to tell me so that I can start speaking with our lawyer."

Mrs Fringe watched a variety of emotions flash through her husband's eyes before he replied warily, "Honey, I think you should let me speak to the lawyer directly. You don't know so much about evidence and law and all of that anyway."

Mrs Fringe was done playing after he said that. She was so angry, and she felt her hands begin to tremble, "The detectives already told me everything they found. You horrible cheat! All my friends told me but I didn't listen. I hate you so much."

She didn't realise she was crying till she tasted her salty tears, "Expect our lawyer but this time, for divorce letters. I can't believe I spent all my life with someone like you."

Mr Fringe just stared at her, his lips trembling and his eyes unblinking as if he couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Goodbye," Mrs Fringe said curtly and left. They both knew that was a final goodbye.


"I'm sorry I couldn't use any of the prompts you gave me, detective. "Mrs Fringe said to Charlotte when she got outside, "he made me so angry with the way he just tried to smoothly wiggle his way out of that."

"No, I absolutely get that."Charlotte replied, trying to convey with her eyes the sympathy she felt.

"You know, part of me hoped he would deny everything and tell me I had it all wrong, but instead, I was met with silence. Anyway, detective, thank you for all your help. I hope you catch the killer, and if it's him, I hope he gets the punishment he deserves."Mrs Fringe said.

Charlotte could say nothing but give a sad smile and hug the older woman. She felt for her.

If you've gotten this far, thank you so much for your support. I really appreciate it.

Tag for the chapter: JamesMcAvoy3

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