A sire and a scientist

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Megatron's pov

It has been three days since I saved y/n from that repulsive excuse for a cybertronian; she recovered quickly from the experience and began to change, along with her 'family'. A recognisable, unpleasant sensation tingles up my spine at the thought. They are closer than I thought not to mention all seem suspicious of me. Then again who isn't.

Y/n's bruises have since faded, scars from that piece of scrap still there and Shockwave - both of them - think they will for a good few weeks. They, along with Blackarachnia who is . . . I do not think I have ever seen a femme let alone a decepticon so intrigued in organics and not want to experiment, dissect, kill or keep them as a pet. 

I have become acquainted with the 'dragon' named Windbolt. He is actually not that bad; if he were at the beginning of war when I was just a miner I have no doubt he would have joined the Decepticons. Although he does seem to not mind organics. It is still hard to believe that my little human created this ferocious beast, his strength let alone powers to breath fire and lightning are remarkable. If he were on my side I would have won the war eaons ago. The clockwork dragon also has an interesting sense of humour.

Starscream, the annoying fragger, has dissipated. We have searched for the seeker but nothing has been found.

It is strange to see all of my decepticons like this . . .

Shockwave successfully hacked into the city's security systems; we now have access to every camera, gun and Sumdac patrol drone in the city. There are a few hundred of each, the drones constantly watching or carrying out the pathetic human's bidding. They have proven useful.
The plan is to locate and retrieve all the materials needed to recreate that dimensional bridge, as we now call it, to get back. Half of the necessary supplies have been retrieved and in a few more days the plan will be put into action.

Silently I make my way to the back entrance to the, supposed, abandoned mine. While walking I can't help but think of my life on cybertron before the war. Hours spent mining in those dreadful holes, given little rations and treated like scrap. And when they discovered I was the one showing my writing of the truth they forced me to be a gladiator in the pits of Kaon. Somehow the conditions were worse. Fight, beatings by the guards afterwords, forced to stay in a cell like a caged animal and given barely any energon. I started the war against the seneta for cybertronains who were forced to work tirelessly just because of their alt modes, just because of where they were bored. I fought and killed to take down those mechs, and I succeeded.

Yet the Autobots won

Ultra Magnus defeated me, exiling me from Cybertron. Now I realise that the cause at some point had changed, it was no longer about the senate or even the people of my planet. Just beating the Autobots and conquering the galaxy, killing all organics who stood in my way.

I will succeed, maybe not the whole universe but at least Cybertron and Earth.

I sit down on a large boulder at the edge of the mountain looking out towards the human city, the stars shining brightly in the sky and an all to familiar silver one catching my attention.

"If only I met her sooner . . ." I sigh.

Suddenly the audible sound of ped steps fill my receptors, lighter than most but with a slight metallic clang to them.
I turn around to face the little femme, blue optics staring up at me kindly.

"Y/n what are you doing up so late?"

She rolls her eyes, a small smile showing her amusement.

"Megatron it's only nine, I'm not tired." she chuckles coming to sit next to me.

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