Utter confusion

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No one's pov

A smallish form begins to shift in the middle of the gigantic metal slab, hooked up to a small tube transporting a glowing blue substance into the bloodstream. The large cave/room has multiple different sections. One where the human lies with medical equipment for both organics and cybertronians. A large computer sits right next to it, showing an image of the female human with small notes in a language unknown to mankind attached by small lines to random places all over the body. Opposite that is a section that holds a rock slab forming a perfect giant desk for the being that works here. On it many blueprints and images of animals as well as actual plants lay scattered across it. A dark tunnel stands silently beside it, leading to two tunnels. One that leads outside and the other to a seperate cave smaller than this one.

A loud groan comes from the young human, drawing the attention of two mechanical beings right outside the cave. The blue, white and pink femme had been worried sick about you. By now the stars had come out and the crescent moon shines brightly against the pitch black sky. Meirly five hours ago she discovered the strange beast she recognised as one of Earth's mythological creatures. She went through a small faze of studying the fabled beings but it soon passed, although now she is thankful that she did or else she would have never classified the beast as a dragon.

She had bought you back to her home as quickly as possible, avoiding the prehistoric dinobots as much as possible. Even though they liked her she knew for a fact they would love to battle the dragon and use you as their next form of prey.

As she inspected the image of your scanned form her jaw dropped, shocked at her astounding discovery. You -somehow- have energon in your blood as well as a spark signature pulsing from your heart. Not to mention later on she found evidence of an allspark lik energy originating from you. You were in some kind of energy coma caused by absorbing through the roof amounts of multiple unidentified energys signatures, both human and alien.

She knew what to do, she didn't like it but if you were going to live she had to do it. She hooked you up to an energon cube allowing the blue substance to enter your veins and help control the tremendous amount of energy throughout your body. At one point the heart monitor she hooked up to you began to glitch and overload but then suddenly went back to normal.

After you were stable she and the reptilian metal protector who was watching you closely the whole time left the small cave to go outside. There she began to help him form words an in less than an hour sentences! He now could easily say full sentences as well as all the words she taught him, even developing a slight accent. However when she begun teaching him she felt as if she was teaching a sparkling but as time went on he quickly became more mature, intelligent and even funny! It was like watching a sparkling mature into an adult in the time space of three hours.

But right now that isn't important.

"Is she okay?" the yellow and blue dragon asks worriedly his snout almost touching you, deep voice vibrating off the stone walls and making you slowly stir wake up.

SG Arachnid checks your vitals and sighs in relief. All perfectly stable. "She's okay."

"W ... what happened?" you mumble slowly sitting up, eyes still closed and just barely aware of your surroundings.

"We got transported to the Shattered Glass universe and you almost died."

Your eyes snap open, fully awake and aware that something, someone huge is literally breathing on you. And when you realise that there's a giant metal dragon in front of you you nearly faint.

"Evenin sunshine." he chuckles gently picking you up by the hood of your hoodie and carrying you over to the perplexed spider based cybertronian. He holds you at her optic level.

You both stare into each others eyes/optics, silent and confused as hell.

"A - Arachnid?" you ask earning an open mouth and sparkling blue orbs from the said femme.

"You. Are. So. CUTE!" she squeels gently taking you from the amused dragons jaws and hugs you against her face. Nuzzling her face into you and saying how adorable you are she then hugs you - well as much as a transformer can a large human - while her optics have literal hearts in them.

The dragon stares down at his confused blinking creators face with a slight smirk. You are god damn adorable that's for sure.

"H-huh? I - what? Who-"

"Awww yer so cute when yer confused." he coos happily nuzzling you and gently picking you up with his sword like fangs causing you to squeak in surprise and fear. Causing Arachnid to get out a datapad and take pictures.

"Giant predacon dragon ..." you say wide eyed and trying to process what the hell is happening.

"Giant clockwork dragon that you made." he corrects causing the gears in your head to cease spinning [puns!]

"W-WINDBOLT??!!" you yell trying to turn around in the proudly smirking dragon's teeth. Arachnid just gave up taking photos and is now recording everything. Organics can be so cute!

"The one and only kiddo~" he chuckles putting you down on the medical slab.

"Holy mother of mac 'n cheese. HOW the hell are you so big - and ALIVE?" you ask admiring the once small beast. He's so large he can barely fit in the cave! Actually half his body is outside the cave and he's laying down and still touching the ceiling. He's bigger than Grimlock!

"Well when something that an imaginative child gave a personality and name to gets sucked through a crazy portal with the child they come alive thanks to the wako energy stuff." he states simply.

"That ... that doesn't make any sense." you pinch yourself to make sure you are awake and not dreaming. Definitely not dreaming. And then you notice your size.

"And why am I so big?" the only way you knew is Arachnid.

"Am I taller than Ben?" you ask worriedly.

"Taller than any human on the planet." Arachnid confirms still in her 'I found something so adorable and want to cuddle her for all eternity' stage.

Your face goes pale, "How-"

"Wako portal." Windbolt says gently picking you up again and carefully moving backwards out of the cave.

You nod, still processing everything and really confused.

"So how did she create you exactly?" Arachnid asks still recording and now walking alongside the giant clockwork reptile as he makes his way towards the shore through the darkness.

"I am made of multiple cogs and gears, all working together to help me move, speak and think. She built me however, when she did she was an ordinary human's size and I was the size of a toy. She imagined how I would act if I were alive and even gave me a name. When a child puts their mind to it they can create a soul or as your kind calls it spark in said object. Aka me. We are rarely able to move let alone speak. But for some crazy reason when I was sucked through that portal I was suddenly able to move and I was even bigger than her!" he explains, you listening and sensing his emotions. You didn't realise it but you have been feeling his emotions the whole time, that's why you aren't having a panic attack or screaming in utter fear. You can sense he means no harm, you can sense his good soul, you can feel him.

He chuckles, you figured that out quickly.

"That could be due to all those different energy forces, I barely know three of them and there appear to be hundreds. And that's after I looked throughout Earth's database as well as Cybertron's. I think they caused both of you to mutate. That would explain why you can survive having energon injected into you." She says seriously meaning you.

"HUH!" back to utter confusion

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