The human everybot wants. IT AIN'T A GOOD THING!!!

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A very familiar group of mechs gathered around a small primitive holoscreen that suddenly turns black, a few growling or hissing in disappointment, a few (cough* Ultra Magnus and Sentinel *cough), some laughing their afts off and a few smirking like the fragging devil himself. Yup you guessed it the shattered glass autobots and three decepticons from the original universe. So just so everything's clear Starscream and Bumblebee are the cackling maniacs.

All of them, each and every single autobot on Earth just witnessed the conversation of a human that has apparently mutated and the soft Decepticons. Only two are actually disgusted by the discovery, unfortunately both having a powerful role. The rest are either surprised, happy, curious, finding it funny as the pit or planning on dissecting her or having a new pet. One a new girl buddy who would gladly kill a few mechs outside her team and a few deceptisofies with her powerful key just to get her. Worst thing is they know where the little femme is.

Megaron stands tall and proud, a satisfied smirk which sent a few shivers up some bots and humans backs at first glance. He felt a sense of pride at seeing you alive and with such a beast, he will never admit it but at first sight of the creature he nearly widened his optics. With that out of the way the discovery of his favourite human possibly becoming one of his own kind and short life span being increased by centuries caused the terrifying smirk to appear on his and a few other mech's faceplates. She could live for so long and not get old or sick or have to worry about maintaining that organic body of hers. No she could finally be able to not worry about all those petty things. He knows for a fact that many of these 'autobots' will come after her but he will gladly destroy every last  one of them. Especially this pathetic excuse for a prime.

Optronix stares at the blank screen with an emotionless expression. She can be with him for so much longer, they could go to Cybertron and she could transform! But he's going to have to fight for her. Even Ratchet has his sight set on her! Sure it's to dissect her but the day he lets that happen is when captain Fanzone hates machines. And that day will never come. Speaking of the human.

"Well I'll be a murderers uncle." he states in awe, the mini cybertronian gun hanging from his belt charging up, "Why didn't ye tell us that she'd turn into a robot!" he chuckles sarcastically. He loves machines!

All the mechs in the room stiffen at the insult, the jet twins and two cyber ninjas wondering what the best and most painful way to kill the fat human would be. Oh they just wish they could squish him!

Ultra Magnus ignores the idiotic comment and faces his autobots, "Who of you wish to retrieve the human?" he asks with no emotions but he feels almost happy. If they could possibly find out if she definitely will become one of their kind and harness that energy they could turn the universe to metal and create new cybertrons, new empires to rule over. All under his iron fist of course. [puns!! Hehe sorry I'm addicted]

Immediately all mechs, except for Sentinel, Ratchet, Blurr and the decepticons, raise their servo. The autobot leader looks over all the candidates with a humm of thought. Who would be the best candidate.

Shockwave rolls his red optic and dedicates himself to hacking into the systems drones under his leaders earlier orders. No bot notices his quick movements on the small couch as they are all bicker amongst themselves who should capture the human. But he also hides hos faceplates in shame, the light blue blushh standing out against his non existent features. Why does his processor have to imagine Zioni as a sexy cybertronian with what humans call glasses and a lab coat? STUPID PROCESSOR!

Each bot has their own argument. Optronix saying he has been with the human before and knows her, Bulkhead because he's big and strong and will definitely capture the human. Even though he's lying in the med bay and is still broken to bits, it's a miracle he's even alive if it weren't for Sari's key. Bumblebee because he's the 'greatest seeker in hide and seek'. The Jet twins argue they are the only ones who can fly and would therefore complete the assignment faster than everyone else. Jazz and Prowl?
They're just watching from the side with insane grins as they all begin physically fighting with one another. They will gladly just sneak out and capture her for themselves. They both know of what their 'leader' is probably thinking and honestly what's the fun in having a pet that's dead~
And they are the most skilled of the small group and more than willing to work together. They don't mind sharing the cute little human~ Maybe she'll be even better looking as a bot? That purple blush was quit adorable.

Sari argues she's a human as well but no one listens to her. And Starscream's gone for a joy flight.

Ultra Magnus makes up his mind and picks the twins: one because they can fly and two because they just beat the scrap out of Bumblebee who lays helm first in a large bucket of purple paint. Both quickly go to the small room where they have stored what was salvaged from their wrecked ship, no doubt needing it if the dragon is around her.

"What do you think the little one's designation is brother?" jetstorm asks as he grabs his favourite electrical gun.

"I do not know brother." Jetfire says, grabbing the cybertronian version of a flamethrower.

"Should we give her to Ultra Magnus?" Jetstorm says.

"Or keep her for ourselves?" His twin finishes.

They both stare at each other for a moment before grinning mischievously. They made up their mind.

While they do that Prowl and Jazz are already halfway to the docks.

"So you sure a meat bag's boat's going to be big enough for the both of us?" Jazz asks speeding up a bit.

"If I weren't then why the frag would I be going in the direction of the docks?" he retorts.

If Jazz were in his bot form he'd shrug his shoulders, "I don't know. Maybe go for a swim?"

Prowl growls and speeds ahead of the car, ignoring a few small threats made by the said mech.

If only she knew what was coming.

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