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Your pov

"So" Blake starts again, more annoyed. "I heard you all are going to be spending more time together?" he asks, rolling his eyes at the idea.

Man I hate this guy ... it seems I hate a lot of people here.

"NO KIDDING!" Ben shouts happily, bringing me into a playful headlock and grinding his fists against my head.

"And it's gonna be one hell of a time!" he smirks.

"Hey Ben cut it out that hurts!" I say playfully. It does actually hurt a bit but I don't mind. Ben chuckles and releases me from his hold, rufflng my hear so that it's a bit messy. Zioni bursts out laughing at my pretend pouting face along with the triplets and Harry. Ben just grins like he won a rugby game and gives me a wink.

"Show off" I mumble, but he hears me and lightly hits me head with a laugh.

"Alright that's enough you two." Blake snaps at us. He does this every time. He gets up, along with Tyron and Angelica and walks off to the living room where he has the TV playing some stupid series on Netflix, leaving their dirty plates.

"Don't forget to put all the dishes in the dishwasher y/n!" he shouts.

"Yes sir." I mock under my breath, causing everyone at the table to laugh and me to grin. It always makes me feel good when I make everyone laugh. Brightens up this old place a bit along with the people. Most at least

We all quickly finish our dinner without another word but with smiles on our faces. At one point Den told a funny joke that made me choke on my water from laughing. Another thing you learn from being here: never leave your stuff lying around or one of the snobs will take it and make you do a whole lot of stuff to get it back. I learn't the hard way.

After that's done I go to the living room for movie night, hopefully there's something good on tonight. Maybe Transformers or Star Wars? I'd love to watch something other than one of those teen movie like High School Musical or Z-O-M-B-I-E-S. I did like the movies until Angelica watched them over and over again. And I can't watch horror movies. I've tried believe me but they just shake me too the core. First 5 minutes and I'm out the door.

I love a good thriller but horrors are just, well horrors. Primus please don't let it be a horror.

Walking into the small living room I see that the two couches are already occupied. The one in good condition has Blake, Tyron and Angelica on it with the remote as always and the triplets on the one that has a few tears and a spring loose.

And on the floor with a whole bunch of pillows and blankets Ben, Harry and Zioni.

With a huff I sit inbetween Harry and Ben, both smiling at me, knowing I would want them to cuddle with me sometime during the movie. I can't help it I love cuddles from these two.

"So what we watching tonight?" Zioni asks from next to Harry, smirking at me with a cheeky glint in her eyes.

Angelica giggles and chimes happily "Twilight!"

No ones pov

"HELL NO!" you and Zioni yell in sink, causing Tyron and Blake to stare at you in shock. Getting up and grabbing the boys you two drag them to your shared room. You dragging Ben and Zioni dragging Harry. You both are strong for your age thanks to jim at school. 

And you both aren't watching Twilight, again. And also Twilight is Twilight. Angelica and Tyron on the other hand are huge fans, mainly due to the actors and their looks.

Ben and Harry look up at the two of you as you stop at the bottom of the stairs.

"Drama queens." Ben sasses.

"So you want to watch Twilight Ben?" You ask, raising and eyebrow and looking him dead in the eyes.

" ... No" he admits after a long pause. 

"Well then come on." Zioni says, already beginning to climb the stairs.

You smile and help the two boys up, apologising that you grabbed Ben so roughly. 

Before you all knew it Zioni was shouting for you guys to hurry up so that she didn't have to be all alone.

With a smirk Ben races up the stairs, leaving you and Harry at the bottom with open mouths and wide eye's.

You all quickly go into your shared bedroom. Two bunks against the one wall while the other had four shelves and drawers.

After much debating you all agreed to watch f/m much to your delight. But four small bots had other plans.


Sorry it's a bit short

I just felt like doing a small chapter but I am going to be writing another chapter tonight.

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