Their all yours

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No one's pov

"Optimus?" I say, see the familiar Autobot leader hidden behind a box of small cogs and coils. I walk closer, gently reaching my hand out towards the small figurine. I swear it flinches as I carefully take it in my hand. It's about the size of a small glass, maybe a little smaller and looks exactly like him. He looks exactly like him, everything from the colours to the frame.

I look into his small blue optics, surprised to see they are glowing slightly. With a hum of curiosity I look at where I found him, reaching for the box that I need to organise properly. Only right there is a figurine of Megatron! The familiar reds, greys and blacks shining dangerously.

"And Megatron? Wonder how you guys got here." I say to myself, picking the figurine of Megatron up with my spare hand. And to my surprise again it's optics glow slightly, except red ... and for some reason I feel like he's staring into my soul.

A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of him actually staring at me. I look at them both, admiring them with a small smile, feeling my childish side coming out. Whenever I'm around or talk about things I love I can be childish, not that I mind I mean Transformers are amazing.

Quickly I put both of them in mt hoodie's front pocket, it being a bit big as well as the hoodie on me. Donated by an old couple that were doing a spring cleaning of their sons old stuff. I will never forget the warm smiles they had, that's why this one's my favourite.

Snapping out of the memory I take down the other box. I sigh, looking at the box. It's fulled with many different sizes of cog pieces and even some clock hands along with a bunch of springs.

"How does John find anything in this place." I mumble to no one in particular. Many times a bunch of guys would just come in here to mix up all of the small metal pieces which just gave me more work. I like working at this place, just it gets annoying when all your sorting is for nothing.

Looking back at the shelf I see two more small figurines. The shattered glass versions of Optimus and Megatron!

"Okay now that's strange" I say sceptically, picking up the two and inspecting them. Again I feel like they both shudder in my hand, but I brush it off. Both figurines lay motionless in my hands, optics glowing slightly.

Maybe John knows about them.

Making up my mind I hold them both tightly, checking my hoodie pocket to see if the others are still there. And indeed they are.

Walking over to the front where John is. His feet rest on the counter and he sits in his old chair and reading a newspaper. It's made of wood and has a woven back. It kinda looks like something you'd find in a garage sale. 

No one's pov

The two opposite versions stay frozen in your hands. Optimus was confused. How did you know his weak opposites name and the evil version's of Megatron as well. Where are you taking them and more importantly why are they pretending to be lifeless!

The opposite Megatron gazes at your e/c optics, sensing no ill intention from them. Honestly he could see that you are young, a sparkling. But the same questions run through his processor as his enemy's.

Optimus and Megatron on the other hand are silently arguing in your pocket. 

"Stop moving!" Megatron whisper yells at the blue and red bot. Optimus stops as he feels you cease walking. Both tense, fearing that you may have noticed their  arguing.

But that isn't the case.

"Hey John?" you ask, setting the two bots in your hands down on the counter, then reaching to get the other two in your hoodie.

"Yeah." he says, folding the newspaper in half with a cheeky grin. He had purposely placed a blueprint of a dragon along with all the parts for it in those two boxes, thinking you'd find it.

"Where did these guys come from?" you ask.

John looks at the four robots before him, shock evident on his face, "No clue." he says honestly, picking up Optimus and inspecting him. "Maybe a kid left them here or something."

At those words you felt yourself sadden. You were hoping that you could maybe have them.

John notices you disappointment, going along with his old plan.

"Kiddo look I'll make ya a deal." he starts, you immediately perk up at the enthusiasm in his voice, "I've got the parts and blueprint for a dragon in the back there. You can have it along with these guys as long as you promise me ya will spend some more time with ye family."

"But what if-"

"And if someone comes in saying they lost those things here I'll tell them that they were never here."

You consider the offer for a moment and then chuckle as you realise he had been planning this.

"Okay. You got yourself a deal." you say, holding out your hand.

John laughs and shakes it, "Their all yours."

My four bitty bots (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora