The two ninjas have a plan

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The giant metallic lizard roars in victory as the two autobot jets fly away in defeat, Jetstorm's windows shattered and a few scratches standing out against his paint job. Jetfire also has a few gashes, energon droplets falling rapidly from two specifically large ones along his right wing and thrusters. It's a miracle he can even fly. Windbolt - in less than twenty minutes- defeated the two cybertronians, smirking proudly at his first victory he roars. His first battle, his first victory, and the first taste of a small fraction of his power. 

The -barely- duel had proven useful, showing him sides of himself he never knew about. For one he found out he LOVES to fight, the thrill and excitement just getting him riled up at the thought. Two he can breath lightning that looks blue and yellow, three he is way too strong. The only reason it took so long for him to defeat the pathetic duo, even if they were throwing powerful attacks at him, was because he wanted to give you a distraction to hide. Also he tripped over his tail. Not his proudest moment but it gave him an opportunity to strike them while they laughed their afts off.

Speaking of his little human creator.

"Y/n, it's safe te come out now the morons are gone." he shouts out proudly, turning around and expecting you to come running to him and start complimenting him about how awesome and powerful he is.


Yet no one comes. Windbolt opens a single red optic, scanning the surrounding area for you but finding nothing but the island's terrain.


"She still alive in there?" Prowl asks suspiciously, sitting crossed legged on the medium sized boat they had 'borrowed' from a fisherman. Not like he'll be needing it now.

His fellow cyber ninja - in his vehicle mode - rolls his optics and replied sarcastically, "No, I zapped he to death so we can give her to Ratchet-." he would have said more if it weren't for the blade that nearly punctured his new tires, thrown by his 'partner'. In a way he does respect Prowl, his skills in many ways suppressed his own and he had even gone through the same torture as him during training. If not worse. They both had common interests: human things like music; piercings and tattoos, killing their former master and the still human lying fast asleep in his back seats.

Sorry, correction, the fragging cute femme that he's gonna keep as a pet lying unconscious and bound in his seat. Unfortunately he can't get a proper look at her right now. Cybertronians can only see through their rear mirrors into their vehicle mode as well as their screens, only forwards though, but still being able to feel everything inside of them. It's like a human, they can't see the interior of their bodies but can somewhat feel them, cybertronians just at a greater sensitivity. And honestly he's enjoying it. Who knew humans could be so soft and cuddle-able! At one point his interior heated up, their way of blushing in that form, when he felt her shift slightly and lay stomach first on his seats. Her cheeks were even pressed against them! Their so soft~ Hopefully they stay that way when she's cybertronian.

Problem is she's still a sparkling ,or somewhere near one, and would classify as underage. Fine by him, he will gladly wait. Does he suddenly have some kind of kink for this? Eh, Sentinel's is weirder.

Prowl rolls his blood red optics and focuses on the two retreating jets, happy they chose to go onto the other side of the island, banged up and needing repairs. Ratchet's going to be furious.

 "So what's our excuse going to be?" Jazz asks out of nowhere. They couldn't just go back to base and say they went for a drive, sure most of the Autobots won't suspect them since they're 'uninterested' in the human, but it's better to be safe

"I took you around the city and we killed a human." the motorcycle replies boredom, he isn't lying.

"You killed it." Jazz corrects with a chuckle, still relishing in the human's soft skin inside of him. How big will she grow? Hopefully around the size of Bumblebee: good size for something to cuddle.

"As soon as we get back to base we're hiding her in my had suite. The last time anybot came in there Sari had to use her key to reform Bumblebee's peds." Prowl smirks, loving every last one of his hidden deadly traps. His team can come in any time they want, they just might lose a limb or two~
Prowl got one of the biggest, a large tree in the middle and plenty of space to practice his techniques. The only reason he didn't cut down the tree was because it was holding his roof up and made for a good berth at times, but sometimes he uses it for target practice.

"What happens if the little lady gets hurt by one of your traps?" Jazz truly knows about the traps, Prowl showed him each and every one and honestly most could kill a human - no matter what size. They could perhaps only use traps that would affect cybertronians. The sonic circuit fryer -imaginative, he knows- Jazz whipped up could help, but then again it drives the victim insane and occasionally makes them commit suicide. Occasionally.

Prowl grins, showing off his sharp denta and throws his favourite blade into the air, catching it with ease, "Cage, chains, maybe a box? She's young and going under these changes, it's probably confusing and stressful."

"Your point?"

"What's the one thing you can't do when you are stressed, confused, scared and constantly under surveillance?~" Prowl chuckles, tilting his black blade that sparkles in the shining sun.

Jazz catches on instantly, "Think clearly." makes sense. He just hopes it all doesn't make her go insane. Or does he?

"And therefore she can't escape by herself." Prowl states proudly [why do I feel like this just sounds right?]

"So are we taking turns with her?" he asks referring to where she stays. 

Their small base had recently been upgrade so to speak. There are now three levels to the small building and it had been widened as well. More space was needed to accommodate the new arrivals a while ago so Sumdac organized the renovations. The only reason he did it was because the let his -failed experiment- daughter stay there all the time and he wanted to test out his new robot's strength. What better way to do that then making them carry heavy building materials around for a few days and nights? Endurance, strength, speed and ability to work together, perfect test run.

One of the best things is that their room's are connected.


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