What do you think of them?

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No one's pov

"Vait vait vait vait." a red and white con with a Jack o' lantern black and blue face repeats as he stares at the three large (well for humans) organics sitting on the medbay berths, his servo against his forehelm.

"You are vrom ze szame demenzion az ze ozer organic?" he asks with his serious persona, the large glowing blue mouth stretched across his dark faceplate  in a thin line.

A mechanical sound is heard as his faceplates switch to those of his more ... sparkling like persona.

"Oooooo! Now zat iz za bezt plot twizt!" the gap toothed energetic part of shattered glass Blitzwing states happily jumping up and down with his servos in the air.

Three humans stare at the con with slight curiosity and discomfort. "This is so weird." Zioni says as Blitzwing jumps up and down acting like a crazy kid on a sugar rush.

"I know." Ben groans as Shockwave does his third scan on him, still perplexed by his own findings.

"Zis iz crazy!" yells the last persona of the triple changer "How in ze pit iz zis possible!" his one blue optic concealed by a large lense lights up as his servos turn into fists and punches the wall of the mine for some reason. Small stones fall onto his head only to add to his anger and confusion causing him to start swearing in both cybertronian and english and a tiny bit of jermen. All the while throwing his fists around angrily.

The other decepticons go about their business, completely ignoring his outbursts except for the three humans and a stunned prime. This angry persona is even worse than Hothead's.

Megatronus sighs and pats his panting fuming soldier on the back once he calms down, "And you haven't even heard of my time with her." he states cheerily sparing a closed eye smile to the dumbstruck triple changer.

Optimus stares at this universes Lugnut. Unlike his universe's decepticon this one is silver, blue and white and ... not constantly bragging about how glorious Megatronus is. Instead he always points out what he's been doing, not in an aggressive way more like productive. Honestly in kinda scared him.

Megatronus, Optimus and SG Shockwave and Starscream along with Ben, Harry and Zioni all arrived at the abandoned mine late last night. Since then Shockwave had begun assessing the three humans' bodies, even as everyone slept he worked his shiny aft off to find out everything he could about their new body structures and systems. Even while they slept he scanned them and early this morning took blood samples - with their permission of course.

Right now he quickly works away on a computer, trying his best to decode the strange information received from the multiple tests. So far he had figured out very little since he isn't an expert on organics, he had been to earth only a servo full of times. His servo's.

"If only Blackarachnia were here." he sighs. They had occasionally worked together on projects however that was rare much to his dismay. They each had a part to play in the decepticons and his was off planet in Cybertron as a spy, as an Autobot prime. He ... he would rather not speak about it. At the very though he shivered in place, wishing with all his spark he didn't have to ever set foot on cybertron itself because of all the haunting memories. Earth is so beautiful compared to their homeworld in his opinions. The nature is absolutely beautiful and even if it is slightly over populated there are still a few natural beauties to explore. He loves his home planet - yes with all his spark - but the war just ruined it's natural beauty. Believe it or not they had their own wild 'animals' so to speak. Turbo foxes, war oxes, thunder eagles and a few dozen more.

All gone now.

At that moment he felt a relatively small servo touch his ped, it's warmness and soft touch causing bolts of electricity to course throughout his whole body. If anyone was looking close enough they would have seen his gigantic blue optic roll back into his helm for a second.

My four bitty bots (discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن