Prove it

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You didn't know what came over you but something just snapped. As you woke started to stand, head spinning in all directions you heard small whimpering. Your fluffy ears strained to locate the sound. A young boy whimpering in fear and - pain! The smell of blood filled your nostrils, the sound of a mech shouting followed my more sounds of pain from the boy. A human: you immediately recognized. Windbolt saw your tense form and heard the single word echoing throughout your mind along the link.


Before he could stop you, you shot out of his embrace. Slipping underneath his wings like a gentle breeze then bolting across the ground like lightning. As you ran you felt the dry earth mixed with grains of sand against your paws, smelt the dry air and felt the extreme heat. You don't know how but somehow in your focused state of rescuing whoever was in pain this information made it to you, identifying the area as a wide desert with rocky cliffs. Even going as far as identifying a mall base hidden expertly a few miles away and an underground water source. 

'This place used to be full of life' you stated to yourself.

But you pushed the interesting information to the back of your mind, focusing on getting to him before anything bad happens. Youspot the boy, Young with large glasses, baggy clothes and spiked brown hair.

"RAFAEL!" the words came out as a bark similar to a  wolf. Ohhh right, you can't speak in this form.

The poor boy shakes in terror in the clawed servos of the mech. You almost trip in fear. The shattered glass version of Optimus Prime of TFP. One of the worst cybertronians in all existence. He was - no IS - worse than Megatron. Not only is he villant and a skilled warrior but he's psychotic and deranged. You go faster, claws coming out of you paws and gripping onto the Earth to increase speed. If you had taken the time you would have noticed they are gold. Literal gold.

But why the hell would you care about what colour your claws are when there's a twelve year old kid to save! You hear Megatron say something but ignore him. You don't have time to make a plan as you close in on the insane prime, you just go on instinct.

Thank goodness wolves have lots of that

Cybertronians stare in amazement as the black blur pounces at the purple mech, all getting a good look at their stretched out predacon wings, deadly tail and glinting fangs. The prime has no time to react, not seeing the wold creature until it was too late. 
Beautiful claws slash at his face plates, the creature landing and swiftly turning around to face the monster. The Prime roars in pain, falling back and letting go of the small human boy. The paled skin human didn't even know what was happening as he was brown into the air, all he knew was that he could see Optimus staring in panic as he neared the ground.

But death shall not claim him today, not while you still breath. 

Launching themselves into the air the wold opens their jaw and catches the small boy by his T-shirt. All stare at them as they seem to go in slow motion, a determined glint in their eyes and wings open wide, not at all helping them fly but knocking the dark prime back down. The boy's breathe's are quick and heavy, terror replacing his fear of death as the beast holds onto him tightly. They land gracefully, a selected few watching with pride as their little one shows courage against such a formidable foe.

It's an underestimate to say that a few bot's sprang an oil leak.

Tfp Megatron takes a moment to regain himself before growling and firing at the unidentified creature, purple balls of energy blasting at the unsuspecting wolf at a rapid pace. But they dodge just in time. The continue dodging, running in zigzags and jumping whenever needed. They turn their back to the warlord as he charges, running at speeds similar to Blurr back to the new group of transformers. Mid run the sound of a T-cog fills all audio receptors, metal shifting against metal and fur turning into smooth metal except for the white coloured fluff. Before Megatron can say DIE a small femme runs across the battlefield with a human sparkling in her servos.

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