The 'rescue'

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No one's pov

Megatronus transforms in mid air, soon followed by a tank, a jet and another jet [why am I so bad at this?] all following suit with a human riding on them due to how large they have grown.

The dragon they had all contacted a few minutes ago stands outside of the Autobot's base, jaws crackling with electricity and neck cables glowing a deadly red. Megatronus runs to the entrance, charging through to find the little human and ignoring his decepticons' warnings as well as the humans.

Actually the only one of them who is warning him is the one with glasses, Harry, the other two are jumping off Lugnut and Blitzwing running straight on with a battle cry of rage. No one takes their sister and get's away with it - NO ONE!!!!

Harry sighs as Shockwave comes to a stop, quickly jumping off and asses the situation.

Windbolt destroyed the door:the main entrance, and has another load of fire and lightning ready for any bot who sets a foot in his eye sight, tail sway side to side dangerously as the red tip of his spear-head-like-tail glints in the afternoon sunlight. It may have only been 5 hours since you were kidnapped but these cybertronians feel like it was an eternity, especially the predacon and Decepticon leader.

Instead of being met with a swarm of Autobots Megatronus faces the alternate version of Shockwave who stands calmly in the centre of the room.

"It took you all long enough." he grumbles pointing in the direction of you, Megatronus hesitates but goes that way, immediately seeing a horde of Autobots crowded around a room.

He unsheathes his sword and gets into a battle stance, "Where is y/n!"

All optics fall on him, many surprised he actually came. What were the chances? Megatron in particular stares at his opposite. He sighs and gently picks you up, walking through the autobot crowd to the blue and white bot.

"The two nuisances that stole her from the island have been dealt with, if I hadn't intervened I don't even want to think about what they would have done to her." he states. You facepalm, dragging your hand down your face.

"I would have figured something out." you mumble but the two Decepticons hear you.

Megatron lightly taps you on the head which is actually really painful, "You screamed for me."

"I was scared." you huff avoiding eye contact. Megatron growls and places you down next to Megatronus, standing like a parent would their child when lecturing them. Well this is kinda the case.

"You're bleeding energon and growing."

"WHAT!" you looked down to your sides only to see the light blue substance peeking through the fabric of your clothing, dried energon all over your sides.

Back to confusion - again.

From outside Windbolt roars and attempts going into the factory, a loud crackling an sound of cogs turning fulling your ears. He roars but retreats out of the building, growling as he paces up and down.

"Why is this happening to me?" you whine, Megatronus chuckles and takes you out of the dreadful building while Megatron glares at the stunned mechs. Lets just say Sari wasn't the only one that peed in their pants ... somehow.

With a final growl Megatron walks off, leaving the place he smirked in victory. He didn't even have to put up with them for a week and the only reason they discovered where you were was because of HIS scientist. They won't be able to use the frequency again let alone track them, if all goes according to plan he would be out this universe in less than a solar-cycle.

Shockwave smiles, in his own way, at the now relieved Zioni who sees you walking out with the trustful leader, she had stayed to keep an eye on him, much to her protests, as Megatronus went to retrieve you. Ben had to try and calm down Windbolt who almost electrocuted/fried him about ten times so far which lead him to silently cussing at every cybertronain he knew, mostly Optronix and Megatron. Windbolt sits down like a cranky child with his spiked tail swaying dangerously back and forth. He's going to burn them with his fire, then electrocute them, then use both at the same time and then chew what's left of their frames to death and the list goes on an on. Zion stares at Shockwave, locked in a stare that despite all her best efforts she cannot escape. 

What are these mechs doing to her?

The rest of the Decepticons, Harry and the angry dragon, wait outside impatiently. Why were they even brought along if all they were going to do is stand around as passing humans run away or throw something at them? Icy is just itching to fight someone.

You walk out of the small hallway, clutching your one side as a hope to ease the prickling pain, why are some transformers servos even clawed? 

At that moment Ben, Zioni, Harry and Windbolt charge at you at top speed! Without ta second to react The three humans scoop you up into a hug along with Windbolt who nuzzles you with purr.

"You guys do realise I'm 14 right?" you laugh as the hug you to death. Zioni has grown to the size of about Optimus Ben to Starscream and Harry to Prowl maybe?

"Don't care." they say in sink, Ben suddenly holding you by your ankles upside-down. You let out a small yelp, which makes all the observing Decepticons topple over in laughter and dangle from Ben's strong grip: who is inspecting your injuries.

Zioni notices them as well and gently touches your side, shocked to see energon instead of blood and the wounds, the wounds gone! Only small puncture scars are left as well as a few dark bruises all over your body. Harry counts all of your bruises and sees if they're serious: a few are.

While they inspect you you have your arms crossed and looking very unamused. This was not how you wanted to be rescued. Worst thing is this has happened before, for some-reason they just hang you upside-down, inspect any injuries you have an then-

"She seem fine - The only injuries I can see are the bruises and these small scars." Zioni says as Megatron walks in. 

"There are a lot of bruises but only the one on the ankle, arms and sides are bad." Harry mutters as he checks your back.

You squeak and turn a bright blue, struggling as he continues to touch the many bruises on your back. Megatronus silently laughs while Megatron tries with all his might not to chuckle at your small predicament. He sticks with his signature smirk and looks down at your flustered face.

"Enjoying yourself?"

You huff in response and try to get out of Ben's grip only to be SWUNG over his shoulder. Windbolt raises an eyebrow before gently picking you up by your hoodie. Ben glares at him but let's him carry you, not liking this guy yet but trusting him.

"I-I can walk." you stutter as the metal lizard purrs in satisfaction.

"And I can tackle Blitzwing." Ben chuckles.

"See you at base."

Before you can ask or complain he nods at Blitzwing who changes to Hothead and into his tank form, "IT'Z TIME TO RASZE!" and they zoom off, Ben running as fast as a car with Blitzwing on his tail.

You stare in shock at the dust where the black and red haired used to be. Windbolt chuckles and you notice it sounds like Toothless's from How To Train Your Dragon! The mighty clockwork beast spreads his wings before soaring into the sky, you having a heart attack at the sudden moment and the Decepticons laughing their aft off.

All the mech's transform, one into a tank, and fly/drive off to their base.

And the autobot's?

They're still frozen in place.

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