Never hurt Harry unless you want to die a very slow and excruciating death

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Okay firstly I want to thank @peacockdragon12345and everyone else who has been so supportive of my books. I LOVE YA ALL

Second the reason I mentioned @peacockdragon12345is because they have just published a book inspired by this one! And I'm already hooked. So please go check her/his books out they are flipping amazing!

Now onto da book!

No one's pov

The city of Detroit after seeing the large portal disappear go back to their daily lives, doing whatever they were before and treating the event like a daily occurance. No one even yelled 'What the hell is that?" or "Wow!'. Nope they all just treated like an ordinary thing.

Except for two groups of alien robots who are all, well most, having a spark attack. May it be from happiness or shock varys.

"HOLY FRAGGING SCRAP!" a little girl cusses earning a wrench to the head by the teams medic.

"What the pits was that?" a yellow and black bot screeches and jumps into his huge friends arms who has his optics the size of the moon and mouth hitting the floor. Completely dumbfounded.

The two ninja bots of the small autobot group facepalm [servofaceplate? I GIVE UP!], "Obviously it's another one of the portals." the shortest of the two states with a smirk, looking to where the glowing thing had just opened.

"So one of those giant humans could have come through." a [racist] prime says ready to die and shaking like a leaf.

"Possibly." the medic replies locking onto the coordinates of the portal to scan for any life signals. 

His optics widen, a laugh exiting his intake as he looks to the many bots behind him, "Well there is some good news."

Zioni sighs looking at the sunset with a broken heart. If she had known this would happen - could happen - she would have never let you stay the night with them. She would have mde you go home, in fact she would have made sure no one was on the school premises. Now she's stuck in a cartoon, your gone and for some stupid reason everyone is healed and bigger. How does a portal do that? Then again if it can transport a bunch of people to another reality what proves it can't heal them. This makes no sense.

SG Shockwave grunts as he finally fixes his counterparts transformation cog. The purple mech immediately shifts into his prefered form and walks to his leader without even thanking the single blue opticed spy. SG Shockwave sighs and walks over to where Zioni sits on a large boulder near the edge of the lake. She stares into the distance with a poker face, too deep in thought to notice the tall mech sit down next to her.

Shockwave stares down at the little but still bigger human with pity, giving comfort in the silence and peace between them as well as his presence. Zioni won't say it but it helps, just someone being there and not telling her the lies of how it's going to be okay and there is a chance you're alive. She doesn't need to hear that again.

Optimus stands next to Megatronus staring at the city of Detroit, the other one. "Sari told me it was gloomy but I never expected this."

The tall metal buildings stretch high into the sky, all the same as his except a depressing grey and many crumbling or destroyed. Some having a purple and black colour to them however the most noticeable thing is the autobot insignia. A large purple autobot emblem built into Sumdac's tower.

"Horrifying isn't it." SG Starscream adds.

Megatronus sighs and looks to his enemy's counterpart, "The humans are so empty. So many abusive towards their young and mates and those that aren't having an empty hole in their sparks. I've seen so many crimes in this city - possibly almost as much as cybertron."

"And I'm guessing they aren't to fond of you." Optimus states watching as the sun's rays reflect off some of the shiny surfaces.

Starscream growls. "They are so blind - so oblivious to what we do. They don't even care we are trying to protect them from the autobots and elite guard. All they care about are themselves."

"Calm yourself Starscream." Megatronus places his servo on his friends shoulder reassuringly. He knows of his dedication to the decepticon cause of justice and how infuriating it is to se so many innocent sparks turned to stone. At times he wondered himself why he fought the autobots for these brainwashed humans.

Optimus stares at the two curiously before focusing is attention back to the city. His optics widen as he catches sight of multiple approaching vehicles, all speeding towards them and weapons activated.


Megatronus looks to where the prime points, growling and activating his cannon to try and slow him down.

"Quickly we must retreat." he orders.

"Oh and why would I do that?" Optronix teases, his axe at the decepticons throat and mask up.

"Optronix-" Optimus starts activating all his weapons before a loud scream is heard.

Bulkhead snatches Harry off of the ground where he and Ben were sitting peacefully. The purple and gold mech taking delight in the poor boys screams of fear. Squeezing him tightly with a wicked smirk he turns to his friend and partner in crime. "Lookie what I got Bee." he taunts waving poor Harry around like a rag doll.

Ben growls standing up to his full height, now the exact same height as Bumblebee, "Put. Him. Down."

Bumblebee transforms and inspects the struggling human closely, "Nah we're gonna keep him."

Ben jumps at the two bots, punching Bulkhead right in the faceplate causing him to drop Harry and fall backwards. Ben continues throwing his fists expertly at the dumb autobots face, ignoring the pain from his smaller friends electric stingers.

"What the hell is this human made of." Bumblebee screams, terrified of how he can stand such high voltage and beat a bot two times his size without braking a sweat.

"Don't!" Ben roars punching Bulkhead extra hard, "Touch!" Bumblebee tries to pull him off Bulkhead but gets punched and falls backwards. "My!" he raises both of his fists and bashes them down on the stunned mechs face, "BOYFRIEND!".

Bulkhead groans. Unconscious and barely recognisable with his face flattened and broked, you can see the circuitry sparking and wires laying limpley around his broken jaw.

All optics and eyes fall on the panting human. Megatron stares at the human with surprise, never seeing such rage and power in a organic before.

"Who's next?" he growls stepping dangerously closer to Bumblebee's shaking form. Most of the Autobots take a step back and hold their weapons high.

Ben, about to punch Bumblebee his fist already raised suddenly stops. He turns his head to harry, seeing his lover clutching himself and hiding his crying face in his hands and knees.

Ben immediately changes from an uncontrollable raging beast to a worried gently lover. Without even sparing a glance at anything else he runs to his lover, scooping him up in his arms bridal style and placing his forehead against Harry's.

"It's okay. I'm here Harry I'm here." he whispers calmly holding the shaking teen close to his chest.

Ben looks at the Autobots one final time, giving a glare that could kill before turning to a stunned Megatronus.

"Let's go."

Megatronus nods his head transforming and leading everyone to the abandoned mine they call home.

Except for four cybertronians. Optronix, Megatron and the original Shockwave and Starscream.

And you?

Your still fast asleep in the claws of the sky beast.


Welp that got violent quick 😰

My four bitty bots (discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon